
What I have struggled with multiplication: I have struggled  with 2×2 multiplication.

what I can do to overcome my struggle: I can keep practicing the 2×2 multiplication.





A Declarative sentence… I am 10 years old!

A imperative sentence… Go to your room!

A interrogative sentence who are you?

A exclamatory sentence I AM AWESOME!!!


I love my Grandparents because their kind.

I love my Grandparents because their considerate of other people.

I love my Grandparents because they spoil me!

I love my Grandparents because their AWESOME!!!

I love my Grandparents because their super nice.


Dream Destination

If I could go anywhere on Earth I’d go to Hawaii USA to see the none Volcanic Volcanos and hike them.

Also I would go to Hawaii because they have beautiful flowers and all kinds of plants that are healthy living plants.

Plus it is just a beautiful place to go with friends and family it would be a Dream Destination to got there.

You might have friends that live there or family or not if you don’t then you can go to a fancy Hotel.

See where Hawaii will take you if you go there!!!

My Opinion on Sports

In my opinion on how Basketball is the best sport to play.

Basketball is a sport that you can improve in and you can always have a game of Basketball that you can play all the time in your driveway or just shooting.  You can always get better and better think of Chris Bosch NBA all star i bet that he would say that he improves every time he plays Basketball.  It is so cool that you can learn from other people about a sport that you think is fun at school and other things. I could go on and on about how cool Basketball is but i do not want you to waste your time reading it.

Outdoor Discovery Center Field Trip

The Outdoor Discovery Center is a mind blowing experience. We learned the birds of prey owls,falcons and hawks. We also did a catching thing wear we would be catching things like water gliders, tadpoles,water bugs, water spiders, crayfish and frogs. We also learned a ton about the life cycles of dragon flies and caterpillars. It is so amazing that we can learn from some very smart adults that know so much about important topics that we can grow from with are own thoughts to make so much more in thoughts from younger kids. I hope you can learn from this little topic.images-4 3.09.37 PM