Character Descriptions

My Characters name is Maggie.

Her Favorite thing to do is Bake she had a hard time baking at the beginning but then she learned it was better to learn from a cookbook and then to memorise the recipe she thought that she could not do it at first then she came to her wonderful senses that she could.

Her family is a family of five.(One Mom named Lynn a Dad named Brian and a sister named Alyssa who is seven and a brother who’s three named Gabe.(Maggie is twelve.)

She goes to a school named Denver Christian in Denver Maggie is in sixth grade.

Her life is normal but strange at the same time Her brother Gabe can’t walk long distances So he uses a wheelchair that helps him but he needs to be pushed Gabe was diagnosed with it when he was born.

Maggie Elizabeth Delarosa,

Maggie is a person who loves to bake that is why I am naming it Baking Wonders Because at first in the book she can’t bake that well then she could bake very well in the End there was a HUGE cooking war against the other best baker in the middle school.


Lake Michigan Whales

How to check if a website is real or make-believe first scroll down to the very bottom of the page there should be a company name if it is a company that you trust but read the whole thing! if you trust it then it’s real.  

/whale-watching.html is a website that is totally make believe there are no whales in lake michigan. In the future I will not be fooled when searching online.

How Anna Slenk helped me when I was hurt.

Anna Slenk is a terrific helper one day when I was her buddy gave her a piggy back. I guess she was a little two heavy and I fell against the brick wall. Luckily I was close to Mr. Sneller’s window Anna Slenk yelled through the window “Mr. Sneller Jenna hurt Jenna hurt!”  So Mr. Sneller went to the window and saw he said “i’ll be fine” I told Anna she was a great Friend.

Joseph and me

Joseph was really brave when his brothers sold him to be a slave I should be brave like joseph.

Joseph was forgiving when his brothers bowed down to him I also should be brave like joseph.

Joseph was strong in christ when he was sold to Potiphar I to should be strong like joseph.

Joseph was loving to everyone even his brothers I also should be very loving.



In science class i am learning all about plants. and the root’s help the plant stay in place so when it’s windy the plant does not fall over and blow away. some plant’s when there a baby they have a stake that helps it grow upward and not leaning and to not fall over. and the root’s take and drink up all the water and then it goes to the stem and then it goes up to the leaves.the root’s are very important. the stem is important it takes the water and that goes up the stem and takes it all the way up to the leaves. your porbably wondering what plant’s eat they eat sugar imagine if you could only eat sugar for every meal that would give me a stomach ach. do you know how to plant a flower buy plant seeds that you want to grow and water your plant but you don’t want to get a big puddle only get it damp.

Wha it means to be made in the image of god

To be made in gods image you want to have harmony  with each other you want to work

with every one kindly and be nice to them.

I’m made in god’s image because I belive that god’s my savoir he’s the one that

gives me strengh to start the day.

When you exept God as your savoir you feel differant because you feel the holy spirt moving

in your heart and your mind you feel like a   new person shaped by God. if you did not say

that jesus is your savoir I challenge you to

pick a bible story  and pray to God and say that I’m not perfect help me to obey your word

and tell him that you trust in him that he will portect you each day. God is my potter and my

God has shaped me to be the person that he wants me to be I’m made in God’s image because I’m kind and conseterit to others.



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