
Our volcano: My volcano is a composite volcano and it erupts. We started by adding playdough to the bottle. and then we needed more so we added more playdough. Next we painted the playdough brown and red. The red indicates the lava when the volcano explodes. Next we added rocks to look like the ash cinder and bombs. We also cut a hole in the playdough so you could see the bottle.Photo on 4-29-16 at 11.08 AM

How has God been preparing me to do work for him?

I feel like when my grandmparents adopted me that was Gods plan for me to do work for him. I know my real mom and I see her but I think God had my grandparents adopt me for a reason.  I feel like when I grow up I will relize why God had then do it. I don’t know why my mother gave me up. Maybe because she didn’t love me or because she could not take care of me or just because she didn’t want me. I don’t know but I do know that having my grandparents adopt me was really a true blessing. I see my sister growing up and I relize, I could have been that way but God didn’t want that. He wanted me to know him and to relize how lucky I am to have such great grandparents who love me and care for me. Some days I wonder why my mom didn’t take me and try to raise me and other days i’m glad that she just gave me to my grandparents. When I see my mom and sister fight I wonde why God is doing that to them and I want it to stop but then I really think about it and I relize that it’s part of his plan. I think of it as God wanting them to to fight then they will relize that someday they won’t be there for each other and they will regret what they said.  I know my family loves me and my mom and dad( my grandparents) are greatful everyday that they got to adopt me and they got to start over with raising a child. I know I am not always greatful for what my parents do for me and do with me but I know for a fact that they love me and will never stop. Just like God. He loves us even when we do wrong.  I don’t know what Gods plan is for me but I know what ever it is that it will be good and it will come someday. Maybe it already came and I don’t remember or maybe he will have another plan for me.

Christian Perecution

I have learned a lot in the past few weeks of Bible about Christian Pereution in Nepal. Like that they are not allowed to burry their loved ones. Also they would have to burry them farther away or just keep them in their house.


1.Photo on 2-18-16 at 1.07 PM

2.What went well: I feel like what went well would be getting the tower to hold the egg for as long as we needed it to.

3. What didn’t goo good: I feel like we didn’t do so good on getting the tower high enough.

4. My favorite part was working with a group and getting to make it

5. My least favorite part was presenting it.




8B, LA


12 February 2016


It was a nice Sunny day. Sara Williams, Josie Roskamp and Theodore  DeVries  were teaching their  sweet classes when they heard they where getting a new kid this morning and that new kid was gonna be in Sara Williams classroom. So anyways then the lockdown alarm goes off and they quickly told their classes to go hide in the corner.  Everything was going great until Sara Williams heard a banging on her door and as being the new teacher she thought it was a joke. So, she walked to the door and (avoiding the kids screaming at her not to open the door” ) what did she do? That’s right, she opened it. She saw a man in a black mask with blue eyes. This person was short and so she still thought it was a joke. She welcomed him into class thinking he was the new student. As you know, when a person walks into class with a mask on and you can only see their eyes, an alarm goes off in your head telling you it’s a bad person.  Well, in Sara Williams mind an alarm went off saying “ new kid, new kid, welcome him”. So anyways Sara Williams sat the new kid next to her desk  so she could help him with anything he needed help with. She thought it would be good to put someone who pays attention in class next to him so she put Kaylee next to him

The next day  The new kid ( Joe) was at school before everyone else was. Kaylee and Sara Williams got to school at the same time so Kaylee started asking her a few questions about the work they were doing in class. Sara Williams answered most of them but for one she wanted to make sure it was right so she walked into her class after unlocking it and noticed that the papers that were on her desk  last night where not there.  Kaylee and Sara Williams looked out into the commons and saw Joe with a pile of papers by him.   Sara Williams  thought he was just studying for the Bible test they had today so she didn’t suspect anything. Kaylee on the other hand knew there was something wrong because Sara Williams would NEVER give that much paper to her students. She was about to say something when Mrs.Williams A.K.A Sara Williams  tapped her on the shoulder to tell her the answer of her question. Kaylee like every other person jumped and smacked Mrs.Will on accident. Mrs.Will fell to the floor and didn’t move. Kaylee quickly bent down to try and help her but it was not working. She saw Josie Roskamp walking down the hall and quickly got to her feet and ran to the door to get Josie Roskamp. As she was getting her she saw Joe go to the printer and print off more papers.   She forgot all about Mrs.Will who was on the floor. She ran to the printer to see if there was anymore papers but Joe had taken them all. After that she remembered about Mrs.Will and quickly ran back to find that Mrs.Will was no longer on the floor but gone!!!. She felt the rush of guilt as she quickly scanned for Mrs.Will. She didn’t see her so she asked Abby G and Emily if they saw anything. Abby G sat there playing with her hair saying she saw someone carry Mrs. Will to  Josie Roskamp’s room.  Then Kaylee asked Emily and Emily said she saw someone carry Mrs.Will into Mr. B’s room. ( Just so you know, the rooms are at to opposite ends off the school.) So anyways, she got a hunch  that maybe Abby or Emily took Mrs.Will but she had no time for this right now. She had to find Mrs.Will before school started and fast before it was too late. She had about 3 minutes before she would have to confess what she did. So anyways,  she ran to  Josie Roskamps room A.KA Mrs.Roskamp, saw no sign of Mrs.Will so went to  Theodore  DeVries  A.K.A Mr. DeVries. of course Mr.DeVries  was not in his room. She was walking back  to Mrs.Will’s room to think when she saw Joe. They both linked eyes and then Joe ran off. Kaylee, wanting to get answers out of him, ran after him. Once she found him she asked

“ What were those papers you were studying?

Joe replied “ um…… Bible, Spanish , Bible in spanish!”  

Kaylee replied “ It can’t be both!” Give them here!”

Joe and Kaylee fought over the papers until they spilled out.Kaylee saw they were the exact same papers on Mrs. Williams desk only they were gone now.

“Aha!- So you did take them!” Kaylee yelled

“No! I didn’t. Someone gave them to me” Replied Joe

So by now you’re probably  wondering what happened to Mrs.Will and is she ok?-  Well I can’t tell you right now because it would give the whole mystery away but while Kaylee and  Joe were fighting Mrs.Roskamp and Mr.DeVries snuck out of class and went into the teacher’s lounge.  Kaylee spotted them walking out and she asked Mrs Roskamp, “Um Mrs.Roskamp, shouldn’t you both be teaching?” Mrs.Roskamp, Being sassy from not having her run this morning snapped back “ Yea what you gonna do about it? Shouldn’t you should be in class right now?” Snapped Mrs.Roskamp, “And if you say one word about this then you will be where, well nevermind.” So after that long chat with Mrs.Roskamp, Kaylee turned around to see Joe still standing there.


Ok so what happened to Mrs.Will- Mrs.Roskamp and Mr.Devries dragged Mrs.Will  to the teachers lounge after Kaylee hit her  and locked her in a closet. Then they gave Joe a few copies of  the paper that was on Mrs.Will’s desk and told him not to say a word about them.  Since they didn’t like Mrs.Will, ( because she was the new teacher) they planned to get her fired because she would have been in the closet for too long. and they really just didn’t like her because she was very pretty and she was attracting all the boys from Josie Roskamp 🙂

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In Bible class this week we learned about the Early Church and compared it to what we would want our Church to look like. We wrote down the Early Church and was it was like then we did our own Ideal Church.  I thought it was fun because the Chuch back then is different to our church now. We also are all cought up in stuff now a days so we want what we want in a Church.

Julies Trip

Haylie and I did a problem  where julie wanted to go to the mall and after she went she was hungry so she went to Franks. After that she didn’t  know how far she went and she wanted to know so she did the problem.

  • Julie took a trip to the mall. She drove 14 miles North  from her house to the mall. After Julie left the mall she was hungry so she drove to franks and got a burger and some fries. She then drove 10  miles East from the mall to Frank restaurant. After she ate drove South West back home. How many miles is it from the restaurant to get back home?

We set the problem up with the formula A Squared + B Squared = C Squared. so A was 14 and B was 10. You have to times 14 by 14 and 10 by 10. Once you get those two numbers you add them. then you do the square root of them then after that you get the answer




Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

I’m thankful that Jesus gave up his life so that we could live a better life. . He gave his life up for us so that we didn’t have to hang on a cross and suffer as much as he did. I know we all suffer in a way but not the same way Jesus suffered.  While I was praying with Emily and Asia Jesus spoke ot me telling me  that I would help someone know him better and I did.