Archive | January 2016

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In Bible class this week we learned about the Early Church and compared it to what we would want our Church to look like. We wrote down the Early Church and was it was like then we did our own Ideal Church.  I thought it was fun because the Chuch back then is different to our church now. We also are all cought up in stuff now a days so we want what we want in a Church.

Julies Trip

Haylie and I did a problem  where julie wanted to go to the mall and after she went she was hungry so she went to Franks. After that she didn’t  know how far she went and she wanted to know so she did the problem.

  • Julie took a trip to the mall. She drove 14 miles North  from her house to the mall. After Julie left the mall she was hungry so she drove to franks and got a burger and some fries. She then drove 10  miles East from the mall to Frank restaurant. After she ate drove South West back home. How many miles is it from the restaurant to get back home?

We set the problem up with the formula A Squared + B Squared = C Squared. so A was 14 and B was 10. You have to times 14 by 14 and 10 by 10. Once you get those two numbers you add them. then you do the square root of them then after that you get the answer


