The Pearl Response

What stands out to you from the book or one of our conversations? What impacted you most?

One of the things that stands out most is how greed can change you so much. At the beginning of the book Kino would no of been able to killed anyone but by the end he had killed four. The thing that impacted me most was the realization that greed can easily overcome you, just like it did Kino.

What did you learn form this book or one of our conversations? Why does it matter?

I learned a lot about not letting the greed for something overcome you. Kino just wanted what was best for his family  but in the process he ended up hurting them the most. This matters because it is important to keep your priorities under control and not trick yourself into thinking you are helping when you are actually hurting.

How does what you learned cause you to live, think, or approach the people around you differently?

These things help me see that there is more to life that material things and also how greedy our world is.

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