What does Easter mean to me?

To me Easter means…



1.That Jesus died on the cross to save our sins and that he died on the cross to shed his blood for us.


2. That Jesus loves and cares for us and so that’s why he took his life and gave it up for us so that we could live with a good life and not sin so  much.

3.That on Easter we should take time to thank God what he did for us and how wonderful that is to us because other wise life would not be this good if he didn’t do that for us so on  Easter we should reflect on how he shed his blood and died on the cross to save our sins.




Spring Break Reflections:”The Good,The Bad, The Ugly”

April 14,2014


Over Spring Break I had a lot of fun even though I didn’t go any where on vacation.



I’ll first tell you a little bit about the good part…

Over Spring Break I hanged out with Family and Friends so that made it a LOT of fun! My friends are always their for me and my family is also always their for me.

The Bad part was that I didn’t get to go any where for Spring Break and usually we go on vacation to Florida.


The Ugly part was that it was rainy some days and not all the days were nice and warm but at least their was some sun to enjoy on some days!


Here is what I did on my Spring Break…



On Friday I didn’t do anything I only sat home and enjoyed not having school!

Saturday- I  also sat home  and enjoyed hanging out with my family!

Sunday- I went to Church  in the morning and then I relaxed the rest of the day!

Monday- I played out side with my neighbors and had fun with them all day!

Tuesday- I went to a friends house for the day and then we got frozen yogurt   (YUM!!)

Wednesday- I stayed home in the after noon and then after supper my family and I went out for Supper at Chilli’s and then after went to craigs Cruizers in Grand Rapids and then we went to get Frozen Yogurt again!

Thursday- I stayed home all day playing with my neighbors and got a little burt and enjoyed the outdoors! and at the end o the day after supper My dad,sister, and me all went to pick up my sister from college.

Friday- I was playing  outside all day and then having fun with my family!



That was my Spring Vacation and even though we didn’t go any where besides staying home I had  A LOT of fun!




Spring Break Dreams and Hopes

These are some of the things that I am hoping for on spring break…

1. First I really want it to be warm out so that I don’t have to wear big fat coats and warm clothes but instead I really want to be able to wear shorts and short sleeve shirts.
I also want it to be warm so that we can take the cover off our pool so we can go swimming and enjoy the water.

2. Second I really want to hang out with friends cause I will miss them a lot and I love hanging out with them because they are always right there by my side and they never leave me! I am so grateful for them and I wouldn’t be this happy with out them!

3. I want to go to Florida because it will be really nice their and my family hasn’t gone yet this year because my sisters spring break is different their our Spring Break.

Summer on a beach