Life Here in my City

Here I find myself sitting and cooking dinner for the family. This is my life. My name is Betty, I am a young women. My dad comes home talking about the kings. Trying to give me lessons of how the king’s rule and only a few people are in the hands of our government. He goes on about how the government is all old people. I go on and ask questions. I ask him why they all have to be over the age of 60 because they all will die sooner or later. He laughs at me and goes on about government and people coming to him and complaining.  My family and I live up in the mountains where we grow grapes and olive trees. I am married to a soldier named Jonas. As a woman here I have just about all the same rights as men. But I know that in other city states they don’t have the same rights we do. Once my husband passes away I get his homestead. I don’t get to wear colorful designs unlike Athens. I wear dull clothing. If my husbands is gone for too long at war, I would have all the rights to remarry. A lot of citizens in Sparta have slaves, which we call helots. We treat our slaves very harshly because we don’t want the spartans to revolt on us. At times our government will declare war against our helots so that we can kill any slaves that we think are going to revolt on us. On the good side we always would win. The helots also had a few rights but not as many as we did here in Sparta. They were allowed to marry whoever they wanted and whenever they wanted to. Some people in Sparta would pass their own names on to their kids. People would try to earn enough money so they could buy their own freedom. In Sparta they had a strict rule saying if a baby did not appear healthy and strong, it would be left to die on a hillside. All children from 7 would be trained to fight. In Sparta it wasn’t only the boys that got military training, girls also got the training. My children would go to school and were learned how to wrestle, box, foot race and gymnastics. My son was taught to suffer any amount of physical pain that they had without complaining.

2 thoughts on “Life Here in my City

  1. Nice job describing Sparta and how the council leaders are old people I thought that it was funny and I love how you used good and precise detail on your story.

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