African Union

What was the core problem of the situation in Kenya in your mind?

In my mind one of the core problems was that the terriost that are there. They do not want to move refugee camps where there are terriost because of the terriost attacks. They need to find places there that are safe for the people to move to maybe in a smaller refugee camps so that they are most spread out.

Do you feel like they addressed yesterday? (How/Why not)



Biggest Challenge?

I think for me the biggest challenge was in the end you would all join in groups, and start to all agree on the samae thing. Well for me it was not as enjoyable at that time because one group would just take over and do it all including the paper and resolution which then would make the other groups, not have as much of a chance to expierence what it is like when you all go into one idea, instead of staying in a group with just 1 or 2 more countrys and making your resolution.


What you enjoyed / got out of it.

I really enjoyed the African Union.

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