Science Chain Project

For this project, Jade was my partner. (She was a great partner!) We had about 10 diffenret items that we could use. Our whole point is to make a chain that would hold bottles with water in them. They were all different weights. We used tape, pipe cleaners, string, rubber bands, and straws. We took the pipe cleaners and string and twisted them together. After we did that we then twisted them all together and made it a chain. After we accomplaished that (which took a few times) we tested it. It held all of the bottles and we were happy. We went to our table and discussed how we could make it longer with some of the resources that we had left. We took some straws and attached them to the end of the chain. We used a bunch of tape to make sure that they would stay together. We then tested it one more time and it held. We were happy with it and confident in our chain. We decided to be done.


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