Uruguay Blog Post #4

Hay muchos deportes diferentes que son populares en Uruguay.  Uno de ellos es tenis. Por tenis tu necesita un raqueta, y una pequino pelota.

 El tenis en Uruguay


Otro deporte popular en Uruguay es basquetbol. Por basquetbol tu necesita un red y un uniforme y arbitro y mas.

Otra popular deporte es futbol americano. Por futbol americano tu uniformes son azul y blanco.

Boxeo es el otra importante deporte.

Spaghetti Tower Building

I was in a group with Kallie, and Jade. I think that overall we worked pretty well with each other. We used about all of our money.  We struggled at the beginning. We had one plan but then we struggled and realized it wasn’t in our price budget. After that we had to figure out a different plan. We finally found one and we were pretty proud of it. We started to build it. The base worked out great. It was just as we wanted it and we were happy about it. We started to build the top and then that didn’t work. We had to take it apart and find something else. At the end we finally got something. We weren’t 100% happy with it but it is what it is. We used 26 spaghetti sticks, bought insurance which was $500 and we also bought 32 marshmallows. In the end our tower didn’t work out. It held for about 1.1 seconds and our tower wasn’t high enough. The egg broke but the tower stayed up.



 Here is a picture of our final tower.


If I ever did this project again, I would do more researching and look at how other people did exactly our project. The thing I did like and would suggest for other projects is put more x’s through out the tower because that is what really holds the tower strong.