How has my perspective on Africa changed?

12 04 2013

My impression of Africa has changed a lot. When we first had to write what we thought about when we heard Africa was a lot of basic things like animals, culture and other things along those lines. When we had to guess in the keynote if we thought that person was from Africa, really surprised me sometimes. I don’t think most of realized that not all African people look the same wether its skin color or clothes there are lots of different people in Africa. After doing the keynote we had to do the card activity which made me learn a lot.  I didn’t put a lot of things on the list in moodle that were mentioned with the activity.  Lots of stuff was about if people even got internet or if kids have even been to a school before. I never knew that the people there had it that hard. A lot of the time its hard for them to get medicine because its expensive and most of them don’t make much money.  There is much more to Africa then I realized.

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