Christian Persecution

1 04 2014

What did you learn?
I learned a lot about persecution after doing this project. Normally I don’t pay a ton of attention to problems outside of the US. I know what goes on like poverty, starvation or war etc. but I never really focused on persecution. I almost didn’t know anything besides that people got tortured for what they believed in but there is so much more. Every day I take my freedom for granted. I can’t imagine knowing how each day of your life is going to be bad because you are standing up for what you believe in. I learned to be thankful for what I have but also to not sit around and feel bad for them. Obviously it has to stop but it won’t if we don’t do anything to make a difference.

What can we do?
It is hard to find a way that can really help persecuted people and to make a difference in their lives but there are ways. There is an organization that allows you to write to a prisoner who was persecuted. Even though I know that my letter won’t change the fact that persecution is going on, it still feels good to know that you can encourage these people and let them know that you are praying for them and that God is with them. Praying is the most powerful thing I think you can do. God listens and cares about what we have to say. It does not have to be something big or noticeable. The important thing is that you are giving an effort to helping others.

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