Water Quality Boat Trip

23 05 2013

I learned how to dissolve oxygen.  We learned about sea lamprey and how they came here. We sampled water and more stuff about it. I learned what is in the water and what is going on.  We learned about nutrients and organic materials.

Both Spring Lake and Grand River was Eutrophic. They were both dirty so we should try harder to keep the lakes clean.


My favorite part was when Annika and I dissolved oxygen. It was cool when we used the different indicator chemicals to see how much dissolved oxygen there was. It was something I think we both never did before so it was fun to try something new.


26 02 2013


At first we had a normal egg. Our assignment was to put it in something besides vinegar so our group put it in water with blue food coloring for about 24 hours. The next day The egg had turned blue on the outside. It also got a little bigger and it was like a water ballon. When we popped it it the outer shell was blue but the inside  The egg is like a cell membrane because it lets stuff in and out. The egg let the blue dye come in and make the outside blue.

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