Market Day Reflection

Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

For collaboration you need to be a good listener .

Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

don’t buy what you think you don’t need

Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

It gets more people to come to your stand

Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

Your math could be wrong so cheek it!

What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

All the costamers we got

What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

Make sure you have a good price

What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your

future learning?

How to sell things in life

2 thoughts on “Market Day Reflection

  1. Great observations! Hope you enjoyed your market day experience.

  2. Kyla,

    Having the correct price is important! I’m glad you learned that. Your group definitely enjoyed selling your product on Market Day. I was so excited about the “traffic” you got.

    If you ever go into business, your excitement and enthusiasm will make you successful. You’ll have to triple check your math, but that will come with time…

    Thanks for all your hard work and your positive attitude.

    Mr. Commeret

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