4 Truths

This is my four truths posterPhoto on 9-25-14 at 2.06 PM

Here are the four truths:

1.God holds is creation together by his power.

2. God put his image bears in charge of carring for the earth.

3. Sin cased disharmony between God’s image bears and the earth

4.jesus died to restore hamony between God’s image bears and the earth

The book I am reading

The book i’am reading is the sand of time. It’s about a mouse and a mystery. so far i don’t know what the mystery is. This one eared chipmunk first you see him now you don’t. there is also another mouse is painting for an musem. Befor that they almost canceled the exhibit. only because the paintings were cats. They did not like that.So the get to the musem and the pase has not openedd yet.Everyone is croweded on the street. thats how far i have got. i think its supposed to be a childrens book but you still can read it if you’re an adults.


Personal Nartive

The difference between a watermelon story and a seed story is a water melon story tells every single thing that happened. Or in other words the really boring parts. A seed story just tells the important parts.


The difference from when you’re inside the story and outside the story is when you’re inside the story you feel like you’re part of the story.When your out side the story you don’t feel like you’re inside the story and you don’t understand some of the story.


shout silently actions that speak

This year are theme is Shout Silently.The verse is Psalm 19: 3-4.  When you speak silently  you make people happy. Like if you made friends with a kid who didn’t have a friend.Or if you helpped a lady cross the street. You don’t have to speak to make a differnt. just through your actions you  are speaking through others.