shout silently actions that speak

This year are theme is Shout Silently.The verse is Psalm 19: 3-4.  When you speak silently  you make people happy. Like if you made friends with a kid who didn’t have a friend.Or if you helpped a lady cross the street. You don’t have to speak to make a differnt. just through your actions you  are speaking through others.

Solomons Wisdom

Solomons wisdom…

God asked Solomon What he wanted god said he would give him anything. Solomon Wanted wisdom not siver or gold. God said that he would give him wisdom, and gold and silver just because he wanted wisdom. He used it well for a while but then he stopped useing it well.


How can this apply to my life…

Use the gifts that god gave me wisely. Don’t just put them away and never use them. God gave me them  for a reason. So don’t just put yours away either. Use them in good way. So don’t do what solomom did. As I said use them wisely.