Bible Post 1

Theme/Topic A savior


The people of Israel were having trouble keeping the covenant with God so God decided to offer the Israelites a new covenant. So the Israelites decided they would but God said this covenant won’t be on stone tablets it will be written on our and their hearts and this won’t require them to sacrifice any animals and God said Jesus is the ULTIMATE sacrifice. Jeremiah gave them the new covenant and this new covenant didn’t have conditions it’s off God’s Forgiveness and Grace. I think this new covenant God made with the people is still here we still have this covenant today with God that it will be written on our hearts and we have to open our heart to God and if we do we will live in eternal life. To this day this means to me that if we put this covenant on our hearts as Christians we will have eternal life and we will go to Heaven and be with God.

Bible Post 2

Theme/Topic Slide to Destruction
Back in Israel when they had kings because they think they needed someone to lead them into war or just someone to look to and not to be afraid. There were about 3 good kings total in the northern and southern kingdoms combined all the others worshipped Idols or worshiped power and not God. Pretty much all the kings worshiped power and popularity and didn’t pay attention to God’s law. If there are prophets in your life listen to them they can help you There are consequences of doing things our way and not God’s way. I feel today all of us people do what we want and need first before God even though we don’t need a lot of things we think we do.

Bible Post 3

Theme/Topic Call


God asked Isaac,Abraham, and Jacob to follow God’s call to a different land and if they do they will have a better life there then they are there. God still calls us even today to do good things like adopting and giving money to people who are poor and can’t afford things they need and if we help them it will make God happy and then we will feel good about ourselves. If we do that we will feel good and live a life of happiness and not just kind of happy and then the people we gave to would have a better life too. I feel like in these days there’s not kings in the U.S people think they are the closest thing to a king is a President and still today people still worship idols and other God’s.

Bible Post 4

Theme/Topic Covenant
If u don’t know what a covenant is it’s when there’s like a agreement between 2 groups that shouldn’t be broken or else there’s consequences and if you obey the covenant you get a blessing. There’s 2 main types of covenant’s conditional and unconditional a conditional means if u do this…Then I will do this… A unconditional is when God will always keep his promises no matter what. So this paragraph talks about like how God will always keep his promises no matter what happens or what is going on in our or his/her life. Right now this makes me feel that this is always true he will always keep his promises even if you have horrible problems in your life I have lots of bad things and bad things that have happened.

Bible Post 5

Theme/Topic Names
There’s are also other names for God like Yahweh means a relationship with you and it also means caring and loving. There’s also Elohim which means creator God or The Lord. God gave people names but he also changed people’s names based on their meanings. Names back then showed their personality or character or how they were like or how they act. Today I don’t think names mean as much as they did back then now really the only thing you or people us your name for is calling you or you writing your name on a check,paper, and a contract and a lot of people don’t even know what there name means. Today I think names are just a thing in your life what people call you they don’t mean a lot it’s just used to call you.


Bible Post 6

Theme/Topic Conflict/Doubt

Back then Israel struggled with God a lot and they didn’t really ever stopped struggling with God a lot of people back then struggled with God even if they knew him or didn’t. No matter what God knows that we will go through times of doubt and conflict but he will still love us no matter what happens and going through doubt and conflict doesn’t make us bad Christians God will always surround us with people who care about us and that will help you through the bad and hard times. God is always faithful but he is very faithful when we aren’t. I think this happens today people go through hard things but get surrounded with love and care. Today I think all these things happen hard times conflict and also doubt they happen to even the best of us no matter what God surrounds us with people or love and careness.


Bible Post 7

Theme/Topic Slavery/Salvation


I’m going to share 2 stories of people who were sold into slavery one off there names is Joseph and he was sold into slavery by his own brothers and then the Egyptians took him and a few years later he became king or very close to the king and there was a famine coming but even though his brothers sold him into slavery he still helped his family. The other is Moses he was born into slavery but he was Pharaoh’s son and he was trusted but even though he was born into slavery he still lead Israel out of Egypt. God intends good for people but people intended harm to others. But God is I am who I am no matter what God is faithful,unchanging, and present at this day just as he was for Joseph, and Moses. I think God still is like this he hasn’t changed one bit and he is still with us to this day. This fits into today because he is in our hearts and is by our side and he is answering or hearing our prayers.

Bible Post 8

Theme/Topic Sent to Promised Land


Going to the promised land wasn’t easy for the Israelites they had to go through being bit by poisonous snakes and they had to look at a bronze snake to be cured and when they got to the edge of the creek if they obeyed they would be blessed if they didn’t they would get cursed when they crossed the bridge they had to trust God which was a big part of it they had to majorly trust in God with all these things that have happened in the desert for 40 years. I think this trust is way less today people don’t trust as much and don’t feel as safe. I think people today should have more trust I don’t get why they don’t have trust with God.