God at Work

In Bible right now we’re learning about Paul’s journey and things that helped him through it. Paul had 2 citizenships and one was in Rome which really helped.  Paul’s speaking was approved by God so then God wouldn’t get angry and furious instead God loved Paul for teaching. God entrusted Paul with the glorious gospel which helped because it showed God truly does trust Paul. He was also trained to be a Pharisee so he new all the old testament.

God’s been at work in my life because he’s been doing many things like I’ve made new friends that go to different schools and I can see God in them and how they act. I’ve also seen him in driver’s ed meeting all these new people and seeing how nice and how different they are from me which shows that God’s makes each and every one of us different and perfect in his eyes. I think God could use my helpfulness in my life a lot because I love to help people that can’t get something or their going through something hard I love to help and I care about that. God may use my youth because he can teach me a lot of new things as a kid or teenager that will help my future which I think he has already been doing.

Volcano Project

This is our volcano and our poster of the 3 types of volcanoes Shield,Composite, and Cinder Cone Volcano. Our volcano is a Shield volcano and it’s Mauna Loa in Hawaii. We built our volcano out of paper and cardboard. We labeled 7 things on it some were the lava flows which is the red. Then there’s the crater the pipe the side vent and the vent. All things that were labeled on our volcano and their were a few others. It was fun making these 2 things with my group we all did it together and helped each other out when we needed it. I fact about Mauna Loa is it’s very active and it’s formed over a Hot Spot.

Persecution in Somalia

Our group I think worked good because we kinda split in half and Nathan and Harmon did the building. Then Logan and I make the info like I made the keynote and he made the video. I think overall we could’ve worked a little better and planned ahead more but Somalia is hard because their really is no stories online because no one will put it up in Somalia because every Christian in Somalia basically will die in a few days so it’s hard to find stories about what they do their. Here’s Logan’s video. ENJOY

Tower of Noodles and Marshmellows

Our tower is no as tall as it’s supposed to be but it’s pretty sturdy and strong. Our tower doesn’t look like how we planned but It’s ok but not everything goes as planned. It has a few support beans which is good because it helps hold it up and is good for balance. We had a bowl for the egg but it was to small so we had to fix it. Our tower isn’t the best looking but it is strong and sturdy which is a good thing so hopefully it goes good.

Zip line

This is a Zip Line that me and Kole made it’s about a person making a zip line but doesn’t know the hypotenuse so we made a problem and figured it out this project was in Math class. The length was 1550 ft then 100 ft. We solved it and the hypotenuse was 1553.2

Theme Writing

Theme Writing

Lost in Love

This is love:Not that we loved God, But that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.Dear friends, Since God so love us we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:10-11


I remember the drama of thinking of a theme verse at the end of last year everyone was excited but eager to see what we chose. I remember when we voted we tied somehow and we had to re-vote and then we choose Lost in Love. I think we can just show this by talking to people that look down or giving hope to the homeless or giving to them. We could spread this through schools at sport events and talk about it with people and get it going in other schools.We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world.

I can show this theme many ways in school as an 8th Grader. Us 8th Graders should show that guys and girls are alike and shouldn’t be afraid of each other because I remember in 2nd grade guys and girls wouldn’t really talk and we wouldn’t ever touch each other like high fives or anything. Now because all of us 8th Graders are friends the younger kids should too. Us in 8th Grade should set a good example because in the hallways were loud and kinda crazy and if the younger kids see us doing it then they’ll do it too and then everybody will distract other classes. We could show everybody younger that actually trying in school will help you a lot because in high school you have homework about every night. To me in 8th grade i’m really trying because it’s important to get used to making new friends getting into a thing of doing homework every night and that we need to set a good example.

As Christians, we can also show lost in love to the world. People all around the world can show that we all love each other because we’re all a big family. I remember going to Chicago and seeing the homeless on the street asking for food and kids parents wouldn’t let their children see or talk to them which I think everyone can show more love to people there’s one way. I think just when we go to places we should show more love because when I go to Meijers no one talks to people random people only talk to people they know. We could show love to everyone and everything by not throwing our trash anywhere and actually putting it in a trash bin because then the world would be way nicer and it can help us to because I remember driving to Florida for spring break and seeing trash everywhere.

We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world. I think everything that I’ve said is true and we could all really work on spreading the news of the Lord to people that don’t know him. If we were to do everything I’ve wrote we’d all be more happy and we’d feel good about spreading the news to people and if we did all this the world would look way better.

Beginning of Year Reflections

I enjoyed camp this year it was fun to hang with my friends their even though it rained a lot but it was still fun their and I learned some cool stuff their.

I’ve learned a lot about what Christopher Columbus actually did to the Tainos people and how he tortured them and killed them and enslaved the ones who lived the disease he and his men brought.

I am looking forward to Fun Night because we get to run it and make it fun for everyone and we give some kids something to do if their not doing something already.

Boat Race -Science

We made the bottom of our boat out of styrofoam and made a tip because then if should glide better and surrounded it with aluminum foil so it wouldn’t suck up the water then we put a cup so it would collect the air and it would be pushed forward then we put popsicle sticks to those would stop it from turning and hitting the walls then we taped the cup down and added a sail on top. We’re adding a cup to the top so it can collect more air and go quicker. We hope that this change will make us bet the best time.

My Summer 2017

This summer I did a lot of hanging with my family and brothers. Every Tuesday I went my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house and played with their dogs. I went swimming so much in our pool that we have at our house and so far it’s been pretty warm. We got a hot tub not to long ago and going in it is so good and I love it. When we had pool parties many people came over and that was rlly fun with all the kids. When I ride my golf cart I like going quick and with all the kids on it you have to go slow which isn’t the best.This summer I had a soccer camp for a week and it was fun and tiring because it was 15 hours of soccer in 5 days but it was good to meet new people and make new friends. I had my friend Peter over and we went golfing at a driving range by my house and I broke a really good driver which wasn’t good. My family celebrated my brother Maguire’s birthday and it was fun to hang with family and cousins. This summer I celebrated me and my other brothers birthday in June so me and my oldest brother have our birthdays in June which I think is so cool. Overall summer was amazing.

Spanish Post #6

Deportes en Colombia

Association Football


Martial Arts


En football en Colombia no están una casco tu nuestra pelota en football y usar una estadio y una uniforme. En Martial Arts es usar una uniforme. En cycling tu usar una casco. 



It was cool how the kid changed through out the movie. He was only friends with black people. Then when the team came to his school or field he started liking white people. Then he became very good and nice and friendly to the white people. The same thing happened with the secret service. When white people walked in they were not happy. Then because Nelson Mandela changed them. They started liking each other way more than before and started playing with each other. Before Mandela changed Africa the whites and blacks were separated. Then when Mandela got out all the blacks were shouting for him. Then they all started seeing that Mandela was helping Africa by changing everything things changed for the best because everyone liked each other again.

I learned a lot more about Africa that I didn’t know before like. I learned that on average in Africa people live longer in other spots than the others. When people think Africa they think black which bugs me a lot theirs no difference between all of us we’re all the same and all of us were created by God. I learned that in Africa people can actually have phones but its very expensive before they said that I didn’t know that they could have a cellphone. I learned that people make only a dollar  a day which is ok to them. I also learned that there’s so so many languages in Africa. I also learned that we don’t know a single bit of the feeling off how hard it is to live in a continent that is constantly changing because of war and everything that’s happening. I learned that so many kids their don’t get to get a education  and that over half of the adults can’t read or write.

Eagle Huntress

Response to the Film.

I think the film was good because many people think women are less than men which I don’t believe. I liked this film because it showed us people how it was way far away from the United States. I learned a lot about other countries from this and how much different it is for other people their to live and how much more work it is. It’s cool how she was afraid but even though she was afraid she still did it because she felt how much she had to do it. I like that the movie showed that and I think she wasn’t as scared because her dad was so comforting.

Response to the Article

I liked the article first of because he told everyone that he just say them start going eagle hunting and he started a movie of that which is a very cool thing I think. I don’t get why people didn’t believe that was a true story especially the part she climbed down the mountain/hill which I kinda did and didn’t believe but I thought was cool. It’s cool that he even took his time to show that this movie wasn’t fake that it was real and none of this was fake and that these people actually did the Eagle contests which is cool.

Saugatuck Film Festival

The Solar System

I thought it was a cool thing that they did. Because they thought of it themselves and it was all their idea. It was cool how they choose a distance of 7 miles. It was cool how they used the car marks to mark the area. I was cool how they showed a real example.

Running Wild

I liked that the people where willing to give up their own time. I liked that their trying to help the wolverine’s grow bigger. It’s cool how they have seen a few so it’s keeps them going on it. I would like to do it looks helpful to animals and it looks fun. How did the wolverines become so rare were they all killed or died from a disease.

Cannon Song

I think that it would be cool to know your past. I don’t think that he actually was hearing spirits but who knows their could be. I think it would be cool to live in the cannon because then you can learn many things how you actually should and your free. It would be cool to live out their but their’s dangers to that would make me re-think a little bit. It’s cool that they would ride around and sing to the spirits to say hello.

Possible Jobs

You could become a farmer at the cannon but you would have to start by yourself. You could be a filmer for the people and get the shots they need. You could also work at the places they go or climb at. You could be a surfer at the river’s that have wakes. You could be a runner. You could be the person who makes everything happen. You could be musicians.


Bible Post 1

Theme/Topic A savior


The people of Israel were having trouble keeping the covenant with God so God decided to offer the Israelites a new covenant. So the Israelites decided they would but God said this covenant won’t be on stone tablets it will be written on our and their hearts and this won’t require them to sacrifice any animals and God said Jesus is the ULTIMATE sacrifice. Jeremiah gave them the new covenant and this new covenant didn’t have conditions it’s off God’s Forgiveness and Grace. I think this new covenant God made with the people is still here we still have this covenant today with God that it will be written on our hearts and we have to open our heart to God and if we do we will live in eternal life. To this day this means to me that if we put this covenant on our hearts as Christians we will have eternal life and we will go to Heaven and be with God.

Bible Post 2

Theme/Topic Slide to Destruction
Back in Israel when they had kings because they think they needed someone to lead them into war or just someone to look to and not to be afraid. There were about 3 good kings total in the northern and southern kingdoms combined all the others worshipped Idols or worshiped power and not God. Pretty much all the kings worshiped power and popularity and didn’t pay attention to God’s law. If there are prophets in your life listen to them they can help you There are consequences of doing things our way and not God’s way. I feel today all of us people do what we want and need first before God even though we don’t need a lot of things we think we do.

Bible Post 3

Theme/Topic Call


God asked Isaac,Abraham, and Jacob to follow God’s call to a different land and if they do they will have a better life there then they are there. God still calls us even today to do good things like adopting and giving money to people who are poor and can’t afford things they need and if we help them it will make God happy and then we will feel good about ourselves. If we do that we will feel good and live a life of happiness and not just kind of happy and then the people we gave to would have a better life too. I feel like in these days there’s not kings in the U.S people think they are the closest thing to a king is a President and still today people still worship idols and other God’s.

Bible Post 4

Theme/Topic Covenant
If u don’t know what a covenant is it’s when there’s like a agreement between 2 groups that shouldn’t be broken or else there’s consequences and if you obey the covenant you get a blessing. There’s 2 main types of covenant’s conditional and unconditional a conditional means if u do this…Then I will do this… A unconditional is when God will always keep his promises no matter what. So this paragraph talks about like how God will always keep his promises no matter what happens or what is going on in our or his/her life. Right now this makes me feel that this is always true he will always keep his promises even if you have horrible problems in your life I have lots of bad things and bad things that have happened.