
school stuff

Cell models


 Photo on 5-19-14 at 9.05 AM #3

Peppermint- Mitochondria

Orange peppers- Golgi and Smooth E.R.

Red and small orange Pepper- Vacuole

Dark Reese’s puffs- Lysosomes

Light Reese’s puffs- Peroxisomes

Yellow pepper- Rough E.R.

Apple- Nucleolus, and nucleus

pepper seeds- secretory vessels

Crushed candy cane- centrosome

Graham crackers- Cytosol

Lord’s Prayer


“Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.”

In the Lord’s Prayer, we had to pick a phase. I choose  this one because I always thought of it being strong. It makes me confuse on how we sometimes don’t follow the Lord’s Prayer and how he does. Why do we not listen to obvious things?



Click to watch slide about Nobelium.


Camp Reflection Day


Who am I…

Ephesians 1:7

In this verse I feel like God is taking the blame for what I did. Thinking if it now, it sound unfair for God. We break things and he’ll fix them without a fuss. I wish I knew how God feels about taking care of me. I know it must be hard on him. I have no clue how to be helpful. God, please tell me how.

Who are We…

Isaiah 44:6-8

In this verse I feel God talking to me in an empty room. I feel him saying to me to not worry for I am here for you. I can feel his hands on my shoulders and him whispering to me and telling me he is only here for me and not here to work on me. I am thankful that my friends have a heart like God’s heart. I wish everyone was like them.

Who is He…

1 Chronicles 1:10

In this verse it talks about the first warrior who was the mightiest one on Earth and died. It makes me feel sad about it and lets me see that God does this to let us see that we are always going to have troubles in our lives. I wish someday people would see it how I see it. It is not our fault people die, nor Gods. It’s how God made life.



This morning my group and I got to learn about Marianne’s immigration to America.

I was so inspirited how she told us about her changes of lifestyle and religion. How she was so use to having a maid doing all the work and not her. She told us that she got to play with her kids more than ever.

When she started talking about how she got connected to our school  she was so surprised  how much our school helped here move in her home and in her new class room.

She would talk about how the US is not that different from where she used to live. She told us she misses her family and would like it if the could move to the US.



Romans 10:12-14 means we are all the same will the lord. To me it means I am do not have a different kind of friendship with God.

Lobo Negro


lobo negro

What if?


What I’ve involved:

My skill of creative and wisdom has improved a lot these three weeks. I got to have fun with my skills and others when we were making our project. I had fun learning new skills for this project. I have involved in working with others. One thing that I really improved on is friendship. I though it was cool that my grade got to make a gathering place for our community. I liked when we got to going to designing places. 





What If? Design Project


In my grade we are designing a park. I think it is a awesome thing to do because I get to learn about how to think about other peoples wants and not my wants. On my first day I got to a JCR to see people design cars. One of the cars where so cool! I got to see a designer design a car right in front of me. He drow a car then he add color t0 the car and he showed me a model of the car then finaly the real car. I saw alot of cool design (of cars) that day.

To be continued!

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