Invictus Reflection


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 4, 2017

One thing that was cool was the little boy who was getting at the church getting free clothes. A lady tried to give him a Springbok jersey but he refused it and ran out of the church because to him it represented apartheid. Then later on in the world cup final he was listening on the radio with the cops and then he celebrated when the Springboks won. He is beliefs were definitely changed and that was a cool representation on how South Africa as a whole was effected. Another representation was Mandela’s bodyguards, at first they didn’t like each other and they didn’t get along. But then they got closer and were doing things like playing rugby together, they ended up realizing that someone’s skin color doesn’t define their personality. Mandela came about bringing South Africa together in a perfect way. He changed his own beliefs and through Francois, the training camps the Springboks held, and when they played well it brought everyone together. It was cool how Mandela constantly wanted the best for his country. He couldn’t sleep until his country was a country for everyone, no matter what skin color.

JP Visit


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 14, 2016

  1. Getting a visa in India is very hard and stressful.
  2. Getting used to a new country or culture is hard.
  3. The Indian food we have in the US is only a small part of Indian food.
  4. Most cities in India have their own language for their city. 1652 languages in India.
  5. India is very bright, crazy, and causes sensory overload. 🙂

Living on a Dollar


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in SSLowe | Posted on October 14, 2016

Today in class, we watched a video where 4 college students traveled to a place of extreme poverty in Guatemala. They would live on a dollar a day for 56 days. I felt excited when I found out the there was a place that people could get loans even though they lived in poverty. They could use that loan to start a business, fix their house, and on many other things, which has a huge impact on their lives. But when I watched the college students just getting on their feet, I saw how hard it would be to live in those kind of conditions. They barely knew anything on how to survive in these conditions. But it was very cool when their neighbors took them in a helped them get on their feet. They learned how to survive, and said they could live in these conditions, for a longer period of time. But they said there was ways to improve the quality of life…

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