Civil war

We went to van raalte farm What I learn about the Civil war is the first station is was about the kitchen and

what they ha and there was this bird that you whsle in with water and it sounds like a bird.


The next station was how they survive and my favorite part was when they talked about how they carried

everything and how they set up camp and how they used it.


The third station was how they shot guns that was my favorit part it was rile cool that they and it was loud and

he said that those guns could shoot 5 hounded yards and that was cool and the people talked to us and we got to

hold the guns and a part when he talked to us he shoed  us a bullet and he said that if it hit you it would give you

a thom size hole and we got to hold it.


God promises

Tell about God’s praise to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3;15 ,Tell why God made that promise.

because Adam and Eve sinned and God made a promise that and I will put enmity between you and your wife.


Tell why God’s covenant with noah.

That God sent a flood and it was storming for 3 days God sent that because that they could get over the mountains.

The rainbow shows of God’s glory and of the rainbow means they used a bow in the wore.