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God prepares Paul for a life of ministry


God has worked in many different ways in Saul/Paul’s life to prepare him for a life of ministry. One of these ways is that Paul was a well educated man who had a private tutor this probably means he was wealthy and very smart. Another way is Paul new many different languages this would help him when he is traveling because he could communicate to the people of different places. He was also a tent maker which would provide him with money and he could make a tent for himself or other Christians while they were on the run. The last way I am going to share is that he had both Jewish and Roman citizenship this either meant he had Roman heritage or he was very wealthy.

God has made me just who I am today and he has given me different gifts and talents to help further his kingdom, one of these is the fact that i’m an extrovert and love being around people. Another way is I am a very positive person and always see the best in things.

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