Themes of the bible

Sinai law 

I choose this picture because a scroll that represents the law. And also represent how we should obey the law like the Israelites obeyed God (or try to). this theme of the bible is about the law and how it was given to God’s people ( also known as the nation of Israel). and also how Moses went to Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments handwritten by God. what I learned about this is that we have to obey God’s law. But not just God’s law but the Law of men too.


Sent to the promised land

I chose this picture because this is what was in the promised land milk and honey but on the way there everyone was saying, “hey Moses are we there yet”. And they struggled on the there way there because they had to cross the Jordan river. What we learned in the lesson is that right after Moses had just died they had to cross and he was the one with God (who did everything) and split the red sea. And everyone there had to trust that God would protect them. As they went to the promised land. What I learned is that we have to trust God. all the time.   


Conflict and doubt

I chose this picture because it represents doubt. And when you are in doubt you ask for an answer. The Israelites had a conflict with God most of the time they were always losing track of who they would follow God or idols. And even dough we as humans doubt God still accept us as his children.  I learned that Conflict and doubt are some of the things that humans struggle with the doubt that they will be able to get the job or they are always in conflict with someone. And I also learned that we can trust God to help us in our conflicts and doubt


Symbol of a lamp 

I chose this picture because the sun is a lamp to humans. And the sun won’t stop burning. An example of this is the line of David his line of decedents is a lamp that won’t stop burning. And David was a man after God’s own heart and God choose his descendants to be the line of the decedent to have Jesus and that is why this lamp won’t stop burning. I learned that God is a lamp that won’t stop burning. And the reason why is because he lives forever


A savior 

I choose this picture because Superman saves people in movies. But in real life, there is a real savior, Jesus. In this theme of the bible we talked about how the Israelites need a savior and that savior was and is Jesus. The Israelites needed this savior because they kept on singing. I learned that we also need and needed Jesus to save us.


Slavery / salvation

I chose this picture because it represents slavery being broken. and what breaks those chains is God he is our salvation only he can save us from our sins. And that is what this lesson talked about but it also talked about how Moses help the Israelites get out of slavery with the help of God. and it also talked about the 10 plagues that help free the people of Israel from there slavery in Egypt. I learned that God saves us. And I also learned that God  can break our chains



I chose this picture because it’s simple it just says what your name is. But really it not that simple. In the bible when you said someone name, for example, Elijah’s name, you would be saying the lord is God. And when Elijah was in mount caramel when the lord had just sent fire from heaven every prophet of Baal and everyone there was saying, Elijah, Elijah or in other words the lord is God, the lord is God. what I learned is that names are important. Names describe you.  

 The call 

I chose this picture because this is what we use to communicate with people. But God communicates with us a different way, through the bible. This theme of the Bible is the call that God gives us. The call he gives us to follow this word and commands. In class, we talked about how Abraham was called by God to go to Canaan and make a great nation. What I learned is that God is calling us. And we should follow his commands.