logan’s blog

Good Friday to you all,

As you reflect on this week, and the joyous good news of Sunday, know that we have been discussing and praying about God’s Blessings, and the knowledge that our Faith was founded on this weekend just over 2,000 years ago. This morning, the 5th grade teachers were in charge of the Chapel presentation. While the Easter story was being told, pictures drawn by your sons and daughters, was displayed on the screen. It was very powerful to see the pictures corresponding to the story as it was read.  The kids also had a chance to meet my daughter Megan this morning. She is an accountant for Lowell Light and Power, and they are closed on Good Friday. Megan said she thoroughly enjoyed meeting the kids, and could easily see why I enjoy teaching here as much as I do! Your kids made her feel very welcome!

Classwork has been going well in all areas. In Bible, we were preparing for the Chapel presentation, and continuing on with Christ’s early life. Once again, I would like to put in a reminder to have the kids practice their spelling words and Bible memory verse at home during the week. In ELA, Mrs. Keyser has been prepping the kids for their narrative writing pieces. Thanks to the parents that shared a memory with this last week’s assignment! Mr. Hutt is continuing with all the different applications of long division. Next week though he’ll be focusing on division with decimals and distinguishing between multiplication and division. In social studies they will be studying the differences between the British and Colonial armies.

In my math class, I am finishing up with the various applications involving volume of rectangular prisms, and composite figures. In science, we are getting close to finishing up our unit on the solar system, specifically the earth’s relationship with the sun in regards to the seasons.

I have had one parent volunteer for the field trip to Calvin College on May 13th to see the chemistry demonstration. I could still use 2-3 more. We will be leaving about 9:30, and will return about 2:30.  Thanks in advance!

I also want to put in a plug for my summer class that I will be leading the week of June 17th. I will be teaching a beginner’s golf class to those interested. We’ll meet MWF for 90 minutes. During that time, I will teach the fundamentals of driving, chipping, and putting. I will also give them a dose of golf etiquette. We will culminate on Friday by spending the 90 minutes playing a few holes on the Winding Creek course. I am not sure where this is advertised, but I heard there were only a few signees as of this week. I will take up to 15 kids. My brother in law, and possibly my son will be helping me out. It should be a great way to see if this is something your son or daughter wants to pursue as a hobby, or even a high school sport!

I hope and pray that this weekend is an incredible Blessing to you and your family as we all celebrate Easter!

Very sincerely, Paul Keyser

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