Consumption Challenge Day #3

Day number 3, it has been hard 2 more days to go. I took another cold shower and now I sing very high opera to express my pain. My mom thought I was being murdered one time because of my screaming opera. When my sister had friends over I just took a chilly shower so her friends didn’t think I was being tortured.

Consumption Challenge Day #1

About a week ago the whole 7th grade watched a movie named Living on One Dollar. In the movie, 4 American men went to a city in Guatemala inside the poverty line and they try to live on one dollar a day. This movie was very interesting so I suggest you go check it out. Following this, we were challenged to do a consumption challenge. These were the suggested options. Sleep on the floor, no leisurely electronic time, take cold showers for a week, drink only water, and one pair of clothes. The length of these challenges is one week. I chose cold showers for a week and I start tonight. Wish me luck.