Christian Persecution Project

For my project, I studied Pakistan; a couple facts we gathered were summed down to it is very hard to be a Christian there but here are the specifics. In Pakistan Christians have been sent into Covid-19 wards without any protective gear and are thought of as expendable. We also saw that Pakistan is Number 8 on the world watch list for persecution. A terrible thing the government does is if you are a Christian, you don’t get the relief aid the government provides until you convert to Islam. you can see more facts and interactive games and quizzes on our website:

I think we did a good job with the user interface being user-friendly and easy to access.

Themes of Old Testament

Conflict and doubt

In this unit, we talked about how people struggled with and questioned God. For example, Jacob did not always follow God but he then ended up going into a time of wrestling with God. God ended up winning like he always will. God knows we will struggle with him at some point in our lives. These times don’t make you a bad Christian. These times are actually times of strengthening your relationship with God. My visual example is my broken collarbone that just happened 3 days ago at the time of typing this. I struggled with God for the first 2 days thinking why did this happen. I also was doubting it was healing. But, while I had my sling off I tried to lift my arm a little bit (something I wouldn’t be able to do the past 2 days) and I lifted it that little bit and there was no pain. This is proof God will always win your heart back in some way.


Clavicle fracture - Wikipedia













In this unit, we talked about how God still calls people today. God doesn’t usually show up in person but very, very rarely he will. God showed up and called on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to move to a different land. In return, God promises that they will have a great nation and that they will be ok. God will call you in ways you probably won’t realize so you must be on the lookout for his call. When God calls you there is a simple saying Trust and Obey there’s no other way. An example from my life would be when I switched schools. I didn’t want to but I trusted God. In Proverbs 3:5-6 Solomon says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. This verse tells us to trust God and he will guide us through our lives. 

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Sent to the Promise Land


In the Bible, there is a time the people of Israel are still in the desert after fleeing Egypt. In this time period, there is a big list of events that happen I will sum that up for you. There is a time when the people have to get bitten or have to stare into the eyes of a bronze snake to stay alive. There is also the biggest event I will talk about and this revolves around one theme. Moses doesn’t trust God will give them water so he strikes a rock with his staff to get water. Therefore Moses can see the Promised Land but can not enter the Promised Land. The theme is TRUST IN GOD. When I was moving to ZCS I was worried and kind of doubted people would like me and be kind to me there. God can give me a big slap across the face for not trusting him because almost all of the people at ZCS have been nothing but nice to me.



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Symbol of the Lamp


For this unit, we talked about how God made a promise to David. This promise was that his line would lead to Jesus. This happened because God loved David. In the Bible, it says that David was a man after God’s own heart. David made many mistakes but he still was a man after God’s own heart. God said to David that his Lamp(line) would never go out. My symbol from my life for this would be a literal line. This is because a line technically never stops like David’s never's a line… | illuminated dandelion







Slide to Destruction


In this unit, We talked about how Israel had one bad king after another. Israel only had one good king in this huge chunk of time. But Judah, they had two good kings but still, that was very bad. Israel’s punishment was them getting scattered by Assyria. But Judah’s punishment was them getting conquered by Babylon. Why is this you might ask and the answer to that is they worshipped idols. The kings focused on power and popularity not God’s law like they were supposed to. My connection to this would be 5th grade because we all focused on popularity that year.

5th Grade – St. Ann School






In this unit, we talked about names and why they are important. We figured out there were two main names for God back in Bible times. Those names are Elohim and Yahweh, Elohim means creator God kind of like Lord of the land. Yahweh on the other hand means God that wants to have a relationship with you. My name Logan means descendant of warrior or little hollow. For my visual I picked Matthew West because he sings the song, Hello My Name Is.Matthew West Discusses His 'Brand New' Album & The 'Heartbreaking Story' of a New Song | Billboard







A Savior


In this unit, we talked about how the people of Israel couldn’t keep the Siani covenant so God made a new one. This new covenant would be written on their hearts and they wouldn’t need to sacrifice animals. The reason they did not need to sacrifice animals is because Jesus would be the sacrifice. Jeremiah the prophet gave the new covenant that focused on God’s grace and forgiveness. My picture is of people around a manger because this signifies Jesus coming.

What Most Christmas Nativity Scenes Get Wrong - The Atlantic









Something is Rotten


In this unit, we talked about how Israel had one lousy king after another. So, God sends prophets to help the people of Israel. One of those prophets, Elijah shows the people in front of all the Baal worshippers and priests that God is real and is supreme over Baal.  God asks the people of Israel how long will you waver between gods, choose who you will serve today. My visual is video games because we were asked what the idols of today were in class. I choose it because I love video games and love them a little too much. How to get a Victory Royale on Fortnite - Quora






Consumption Challenge Day #3

Day number 3, it has been hard 2 more days to go. I took another cold shower and now I sing very high opera to express my pain. My mom thought I was being murdered one time because of my screaming opera. When my sister had friends over I just took a chilly shower so her friends didn’t think I was being tortured.

Consumption Challenge Day #1

About a week ago the whole 7th grade watched a movie named Living on One Dollar. In the movie, 4 American men went to a city in Guatemala inside the poverty line and they try to live on one dollar a day. This movie was very interesting so I suggest you go check it out. Following this, we were challenged to do a consumption challenge. These were the suggested options. Sleep on the floor, no leisurely electronic time, take cold showers for a week, drink only water, and one pair of clothes. The length of these challenges is one week. I chose cold showers for a week and I start tonight. Wish me luck.

Famous persons family from Puerto Rico

La famila de Jennifer Lopez consiste en un esposo, Alex Rodriguez, una hija, Emme Maribel Muñiz,un hijo, Maximilian David Muniz. Alex Rodriguez tiene cuarenta y cuatro anos. Emme Maribel Muñiz y Maximilian David Muniz tienen doce anos, ellos son gemelos. Jennifer Lopez tiene cincuenta anos. Jennifer Lopez es mayor que Alex Rodriguez. Emme es tan viejo como Maximillian. Alex Rodriguez es mas alto que Jennifer Lopez.Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod enjoy family day with their kids

Blog Post #5

Antilles Elementary School, Fort Buchanan Army Installation in Puerto Rico, (Jacksonville District, South Atlantic Division) highlights multiple layouts and views of the school’s complex. Of the many notable features, the Roof Top Learning Street provides accessibility to the outdoors. Research has shown that exposure and access to nature produces a wide range of social, economic, environmental and health benefits.

Antilles primado escuela tiene de la bano, bibloteca y  gimnaso. El gimnasio tiene alfombra para pisos. la biblioteca tiene un montón de libros. 

Image result for photo of osan elementary school
San Juan esta lejos de Coco. Juyuya esta lejos de Fajardo. Emajagua esta lejos de Borinquen