Liner Lou

This is my blog all about my middle school adventures

Picture book reflection

This year we made picture books, during the final draft I put lots of extra stuff in it, it was really fun. The one thing I would change about my book would be on one page I didn’t do the glitter the best so it falls right off and gets all over everything. I learned that writing and illustrating picture books are a lot harder than you may think, it takes a lot of time and effort to do it good. The brainstorming process was fun but it took a while, once I started the story and wrote a few pages it got easier and went quicker. I thought that it was really fun to share it with the 1st graders, they were shy though and didn’t want to say anything bad about our books.

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Immigration Day

Mrs. Zondervan- Mrs. Zondervan Immigrated from Mexico. She said that in Mexico the men and women were not fair. Girls, even in there late 20s, had to be home by 10 pm, boys could be back 11 or 12 pm. The girls also had to serve boys at the Parties.  The boys family had to pay for the whole wedding. One time she got grounded and couldn’t go to church. A lot of people from Mexico couldn’t ‘pass’ to get into USA.

Jean Luc- Jean Luc immigrated from Honduras, He still cooks the food he grew up making, and he has had to much Burgers and fries from McDonnals. He goes to Hope Collage. The Currency is differnt, there is a random person on a bill, he dosn’t know why they would put him on the bill.

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