April 20

God at Work

In bible we have been learning about Paul. Paul had a Roman and Jewish citizenship. Because Paul was a pharisee he had knowledge of the scripture and torah. Paul was exceptionally bright he knew many different languages. He was also a missionary to the gentles (non Jews) because he believed that the Jews already knew the story and were religious.

There are many ways that God has been working in my life.  God is working in my life through foster care and adoption. Through foster care and adoption he has thought me that not everyone is the same, people live in different lifestyles and react to different situations differently. Through both of them I have learned that just because I do something a certain way doesn’t mean that it is what they would do in their culture. Another way that God is working in my life is through traveling. through traveling he is working in my life because there are many people in the world who don’t know Jesus, some places in the world people don’t even think that there is a god  they are just so concerned about finding enough food to feed their family one more day. Another way God is working through my life through travel is by teaching me that there are many people out there that need our help. We have so much money compared to them. I wish that more people knew what it is like to live in poverty with people in 3rd world countries, because most of the people in poverty here would be middle class in most 3rd world countries.

February 6

Our Spaghetti Tower

This is our spaghetti tower. We ran out of money so we had to return some things to Mrs. Devrise. We put 4 small triangles at the bottom of it so that it would have more support and they added some height. Then we connected all of them with a square. Next we put it straight up and then put a triangle on top of that, and we connected them with diagonal spaghetti sticks so that they would add support and it wouldn’t tip over so easily. Next we put 4 spaghetti sticks on and they all meet together at the top. And finally we put a egg holder on the very top. We put a bunch of small leftover spaghetti sticks together with about 6 marshmallows holding them together. We hope our spaghetti tower won’t fall.

October 3

Theme Writing

Lauren Spahr

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

11 September 2017


1 John 4:10-11

This is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us we also ought to love one another.

Have you ever wondered what it would mean to be lost in love? This year we will be learning how to be lost in love. There are many ways we can show people our theme in school and in the world.

I can show this theme many ways at school. This theme means to me that I need to show people God’s love. Some ways I can show God’s love in school are, by thinking of others before myself. A lot of times it is so easy to get caught up in your own struggles and forget about others. I can also show people God’s love by saying “Hi” to little kids in the hallways. I remember when I was little I always wanted to be one of the big kids who are “in charge” of school. Finally, I can show God’s love to everyone at school by looking out for people who don’t have as many friends or who don’t have a lunch. I remember one day when I was younger all of my friends were sick and I had no one to play with at recess, in addition to that I also forgot my lunch at home.  

As Christians we can show this love to the world. 3 examples of showing love to the world are, by looking out for people who are less fortunate than us. When we go to New York there are a lot of homeless people there, but I know that there are homeless people everywhere. We can also help people by helping them overcome poverty. Even though I was in a really rich part of Guatemala there was still a lot of poverty, for example people lined the streets selling things and begging for money. There was a lot of really poor people. Many people can’t overcome poverty because the good schools cost money and they can’t afford that so they end up going to really bad public schools. Finally, we can also help people in the world by praying for them. Many people don’t think that praying can do  much but people prayed for hurricane Irma to not be as bad and it actually happened. God listened to people’s prayers.

September 22

Beginning of Year Reflections

One thing I have enjoyed this year is Worship team. I have enjoyed it because I love music and it is really cool when we all play together. This year I have learned a lot of things one thing I have learned is about Pangea. I guess I never thought that the earth could have been just one big land mass. One thing I am looking forward to this year is Learning more. It is good to learn a lot because it can help you in life.

September 6

This is our first boat. Our boat did very well. It got the fastest time, our time was 7.95 seconds. We are going to curve the front of our boat so that it will cut through the water better and go faster. We hope that this will make our boat go faster.

August 30

My Summer

This summer I went to Guatemala for 5 weeks. It was really fun. I meet a lot of new people and learned a lot of new things. They go to really small schools. There are a lot of really poor people and a lot of rich people. Many people sell things on the sides of the highways to make a living because there are a lot of traffic jams. Guatemala is really beautiful, a lot of people still wear native clothes. Most of the time I slept in the car. I really liked the theme parks, xetulul and xocomil. Lorianne has a lot of friends. Most of them I meat on my 2nd day at Lorianne’s birthday party. I had a lot of fun. I hope that Sofia and Daniel can come to Michigan, with Faces and Our Culture. I hope that I can go back next year because I had so much fun. I also went camping this summer. I love camping we had so much fun. My favorite part of camping is swimming

June 6

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review-Put this on your blog as a new post. Label it “Book Review” and tag it as Zastrow-Reading.

Choose the book you most enjoyed this school year.

Paragraph 1-Four sentences

  • Title and author

I read the book Kidnaped by Gordan Korman.

  • Genre – Fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, poetry, biography…

This book was realistic fiction. 

  • Describe the setting of the book. A book’s setting is one of its most vital components. How does it compare or contrast to the world you know? Does the author make you feel like you’re a part of the setting? Can you picture the book’s setting if you close your eyes? As you write, try to pass on to your reader the sense of the setting and place that the author has provided.

Paragraph 2-Three sentences

It takes place in a small city or town, mostly in the suburbs. The town is kind of  like Zeeland with a lot of houses. The author made me feel like I was part of the setting because I could imagine everything he was righting about easily. It was very easy to imagine where the book took place. It was very descriptive and I always wanted to know what was going to happen next.

  • Describe the book’s main characters. Does the writer make you believe in them as people? Why or why not? Think about whether you like the characters and about how liking them or disliking them makes you feel about the book. As you write about the characters, use examples of things they’ve said or done to give a sense of their personalities.

Paragraph 3-Four sentences

Meg and Aiden are brother and sister. They have had a lot of experience with not getting caught when doing something illegal or running away. The author makes me think that they are good people and they both didn’t want anything to happen to the other one. The author also made me believe that they were real people because he made it sound so real but most kids still wouldn’t do something like this. I really liked this book because of the characters, Meg was quick and always thought things through. Aiden never thought things through he just wanted to jump into action.

Give your reader a taste of the plot, but don’t give the surprises away. Readers want to know enough about what happens in a book to know whether they’ll find it interesting. But they never want to know the ending! Summarize the plot in a way that will answer some questions about the book, but leave other questions in the reader’s mind. You may want to make a list of questions about the book before you begin.

Paragraph 4-

One day when Meg and Aiden were walking home from school a white van pulled up and drove away with Meg. No one knew where the van went. Agent Harris, the man that started it all, is on the case with the Falconer’s case again. Will Harris be able to prove that he is a good person? Or will Meg be lost forever?

  • It is a summary statement about whether he/she should read this book in 7th grade. Give it one star if it was boring and not recommended. Give it five stars if it was amazing. Start like this “Overall, I give this book ______ stars because…..” Make sure your review explains how you feel about the book and why, not just what the book is about. A good review should express the reviewer’s opinion and persuade the reader to share it, to read the book, or to avoid reading it.

Overall, I give this book 5 stars because I liked how when you started to wonder what was happening to the other person it would switch people. I also liked how the author always kept you on your toes and you never got super board. I also liked how Aiden sometimes got caught up with the wrong people when he was looking for meg. 

May 26

Africa Union Day

1. Identify 2+ issues that were debated in trying to impact democracies. Do YOU  Think these would make a positive difference?

An issue that we discussed was education, they said that education was a good discussion because then they could read about the candidates and then they can know who is the better person to vote for. We also talked a lot about equal rights. In a lot of countries people are discriminated because or their religion, race, gender, etc.

2. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed it a lot because everyone got to participate and everyone had an option.

3. What was the hardest part of this project?

I think that the hardest part of this project was finding people to write a resolution that everyone would like and making it so that it is very clear.

May 8


En Guatemala los deportes muy importante es…

  • Beisbol

Por beisbol tu nessisita un bate y un guante.

Image result for baseball

  • Basquetbol

Por basquetbol tu nessisita la pelota y  la red.

Image result for basketball

  • Football

Por football tu nessisita el gol y patear mucho.

Image result for soccer

  • Voleibol

Por voleibol tu nessisita el uniforme y la red

Image result for volleyball

April 13

Africa Intro. Activity

Some things that I learned was that people from Northern Africa live longer than people in Central Africa. I also learned that in Nigeria they speak over 400 different languages. I think that it would be hard to learn multiple languages  because I can nearly learn 2 languages. I wonder if they ever get confused about what language they are supposed to be speaking. I also didn’t know that about 1/2 of the orphans in the world were from Africa. I wonder how many different languages they speak in all of Africa, and how many of those languages are spoken in other parts of the world.

March 22

The Eagle Huntress

This movie was about a girl who learned to hunt with  eagles from her father. She was the first girl ever win the Eagle Contest. This is important because it tells girls that they are important also. I liked how her dad said that Girls can do anything, boys need to try hard. This means that girls and boys are equal, this is important to me because I am a girl and I don’t want to be told I am less important or I can’t do things because I am a girl.

March 22

Mountain Film Festival

I think that my favorite film that we saw today was STRONG WATER. This film was about how a bunch of guys cleaned out a river and then they created a wave, now people go surfing in it. I think that is a cool idea.  It can be important to Montana  because it can attract tourists. It is also very impactful to the environment because they had to clean out the river so that it could be safe enough to swim in. I think that a lot more places should do this. I think that they should do it on the Grand River, I think that a lot of people would enjoy it.

This is a picture of someone water surfing

March 3



El Carnival es una celebaration de religión. El carnival està Fat Tuesday. Personas nessiseto cocinando mucho comida y mucho biliando.


Semana Santa

Semana Santa es una celeberation de religión. Mucho personas recieiebando mucho regalos. Los mamas cocinando mucho comida muy beuin.


Día de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos es October 31- November 2. Los personas celebrando una celeberation muy feliz. Los personas bilando y contando mucho.


Día de la Independencia


Día de la Independencia es Septiembre 15. Està es una celeberation muy importante de Guatemala. Los personas decorando todos en azul y blanco. Los personas limpiando mucho.

Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe

los chicas y chicas lleva ropa tradicional. Esta en 15 de Agosto.


La Nividad

La naviidad es una muy importante celebration. Es 25 de septiembre.

February 21

Camp Reflection 2

Who am I?

One verse that spoke to me was the verse: You are fearfully and wonderfully made. This verse reminds me that I am made by God and he thinks that I am perfect no matter what. Another verse that spoke to me was: Go and make disciples of all nations. I drew a picture of a bunch of people all standing around the world.


Who are we?

One verse that spoke to me was: Do not think of yourself more highly than others. For this I drew a picture of someone standing overtop of someone. The person on the top is thinking that they are the best person in the world and the person underneath is thinking about how much they want to be like that person. I also wrote GRACE in big letters, because we need to show grace to people who mess up, because we all mess up.


Who is he?

One verse that spoke to me was: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me? O my God I cry out to you day and night but you don’t answer.  This verse reminds me that God is not always happy sunshines and rainbows. But God has emotions and he gets mad. I also wrote God is… Love, Creative, the only one, a jealous God punishing the sins for generations and generations. 



Some of our group goals are:

  • To be a welcoming grade
  • To be a fun/loving grade
  • To be a grade that knows when it is appropriate to  laugh and be crazy