May 26

Africa Union Day

1. Identify 2+ issues that were debated in trying to impact democracies. Do YOU  Think these would make a positive difference?

An issue that we discussed was education, they said that education was a good discussion because then they could read about the candidates and then they can know who is the better person to vote for. We also talked a lot about equal rights. In a lot of countries people are discriminated because or their religion, race, gender, etc.

2. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed it a lot because everyone got to participate and everyone had an option.

3. What was the hardest part of this project?

I think that the hardest part of this project was finding people to write a resolution that everyone would like and making it so that it is very clear.

Posted May 26, 2017 by lspahr22 in category Uncategorized

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