February 27

Ski Jump Activity

We had to make a skier with popsicle stick skis and a tinfoil body for this activity. We researched and found some strategies on how to position the skier. I was in a group with Cece H. and Ada M. We positioned the skier in 2 different positions, as well as the skies were positioned in 2 different positions too. A common body position that Olympic skiers use is the position where they are parallel with the skies and their skies are in a V shape.  Most Olympic skiers also don’t put their arms in front of them like Superman, because it slows them down. One day when I had a band event and I missed tech class for that say, my teammates and other classmates had a competition on who could make their skiers go the farthest, and we won… as you can see below.

January 6

Themes of the Old Testament


Names are something we use to label things. God has many names such as Living God, Shepard, God almighty, and more. God gives us and sometimes changes our names because each name has a meaning behind it meant to fit us. An example of God changing people’s names is Abram and Sarai. Which were changed to Abraham (meaning father of many) and Sarah (meaning princess) to better fit them. My visual is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola fits the product because the name means a carbonated non-alcoholic drink (Oxford Languages). Most names around the world are given for a purpose. I was partly named after my great-grandma, whose name was Ella. Names show stuff about people’s character or what their hearts are like. I think that is true, because hey, my name means beautiful one so I’ll take it!



A covenant is simply a deal or a promise between two groups. One covenant example in the bible is the deal between God and his people about taking care of the earth. But there are also other covenants between Adam and Eve with the whole garden scenario, covenants between God and the Israelites, and even more covenants. When there are covenants between God and his people, if the people obey, they are blessed, but if they disobey they will have consequences. With God there are two types of covenants, there is a conditional covenant where on both ends of the deal they have to do something. But unconditional covenants mean that only God has to do something, no matter what the people do. My visual is an adoption paper because an adoption is a promise (similar to a covenant) to the organization that they will take care of the kid. Covenants are meant to be kept. Even though we humans probably break deals we have made (I know I have).

Sinai law

The Sinai law is the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are a covenant between God and his people. The people had to obey the commandments, and God had to be their God (which he already was). God’s laws are there to protect us, not destroy us. The 10 commandments can be used in every area of our lives. Some examples are school, friends, social media, and sports. The Siani law is kind of like a stoplight. If we follow it, it will hopefully keep us safe. But if we don’t follow it, the chances are greater that we could get injured, or killed.


Something is rotten

Israel had one bad king after another. So God sent prophets to talk to the Israelites. One prophet was named Elijah. While on Mt. Carmel, Elijah showed some of the Israelites that his God was more powerful than their god, he did so by destroying baal. I bet that some of the Israelites spent some time wondering what god they should choose to worship. We should not be like them, we should choose what god to worship right now (which by the way, should hopefully be our God). My example above is leaders

. Lately, we have had lots of ungodly leadership in our country and state. But thankfully God has other people here in the U.S. who can tell others about him. I know that  God is way more powerful than other gods (including our leaders).


Slide to destruction

Israel had one good king but they still worshipped baal. Therefore, God sent Assaryaih to separate them. Judah had 2 good kings, but they worshipped idols. Babylon was then therefore sent to take over them. Judah and Israel both had some ok kings but they got worse and worse. The kings focused on power, they didn’t focus on God. There are punishments for disobeying God. God wants us to listen and pay attention to the prophets he puts in our lives. My visual is a test (quiz).  In elementary tests aren’t great, but as you move up grades and eventually get to college, the tests get worse. I think that the slide to destruction means something was ok, but gets worse.


A savoir

The people didn’t keep the 10 commandments very well or at all, therefore, God made a new covenant. The covenant would be on their hearts, and they wouldn’t have to sacrifice things anymore since Jesus (God’s son) would be their sacrifice. Jeremiah gave them the new covenant based on God’s forgiveness and grace. My visual relates to the book The Honest Truth. Jesus is our savior who saves us from sin. Just like in the book, Mark saves Beau from dying in a crevasse.


Salute to a king

Way back then, there was a cycle of judges. First, it would go well, then the people would sin, then the enemies came, the people would cry out to God, and God would send a judge. This happened repeatedly. The people wanted a Melek king, not a nagid king. Since they didn’t have great leaders, everyone did what seemed best. They were influenced by their culture. My visual is money. Because our culture loves money and practically everyone is influenced by it. Just like the Israelites were influenced by other people doing what they thought best.


Sent to the Promised Land

The Israelites had to trust God a lot as they journeyed to the promised land. They had to trust that God would give them manna and quail. While on their journey, if they obeyed God and did as he wanted of them, they would get blessed, but if they disobeyed God,  they would be cursed. They had to trust God that he would keep them safe as they crossed the Red Sea. They had to trust that God would have someone in Jericho (Rahab) to care for their spies. They also had to trust God, that he would get them to the promised land. My visual is my youth leader’s wife. She has had heart problems for a long time and has gotten cancer. Yet she has trusted God a lot. She has to trust God just like the Israelites had to trust God. 

May 27


2 steps of the design  process are, create and design

Design: for the design step I remembered a little about the bridge I made last year and so I tried to come up with a plan that was sort of like what I made last year but different.

Create: for the create step me and Tenley created something that is hopefully really strong and we think can hopefully hold 5 pounds, at least.




March 25

Micro Bits are great

When you code a micro bit you can code it to do multiple things. Such as: show different icons already made, create new icons, show a string of words, and make it do something when you press a or b when you shake it you can make it do something.

June 3

Oh, the places you’ll go!

One of the places i’ll be going is to Utah

Rose: seeing new  places and great views, and going on a lot of new adventures.

Bud: trying somethings that are very new to me.

Thorn: walking for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles  on hikes(I DO NOT LIKE HIKES)

May 27

Designing a bridge

In order to come up with a sturdy bridge we thought it should have some triangels .Then once we started building it  we realized we wouldn’t have enough time to finish it. So we came up with a whole new one that is hopefully better.We hope that it can hold a lot of thing and that it will continue to stand.

May 7

A Day in the life of Peter

My name is Peter and I am a disciple of Jesus, and today I met a guy named Cornelius a Roman Centurian who needed God’s help and God used me.  God talked to me through the strangest vision the vision was unclean animals were coming down from Heaven in a net and God told me to eat them, but I said no because they are unclean animals. Then it happened to me 3 more times and  after the 3rd time Cornelius servants/soldiers came and asked me to follow them to Cornelius’ house. I realized the dream meant that the animals represented the non Jewish people, and that God was telling us that his Gospel is for everyone, not just the Jewish people.  This was important because now everyone knew that God wanted a relationship with them too, not just the Jewish people.  We need to be sure to tell everyone about Jesus!

April 26

Pitch Reflection

  1. I think the pitch went well even though we couldn’t answer all the questions.  I think we did really well saying the pitch. I also think that if we had to do another pitch I would know what to expect.
  2. What didn’t go well was we couldn’t answer all the questions.
  3. It took place in Zeeland.
  4. I felt scared at the beginning, nervous in the middle and relieved at the end.
  5. I think we were well prepared because we knew all our lines.
  6. I would try to look at the camera more.
  7. Question: Would you be able to change the 10% to a 20%?
  8. Recommendations: always smile, be ready to answer questions, and don’t be shy.
  9. An offer we got was to change the 10% to a 20%.                                                                                                                         
April 22

I noticed that the people that play piano all have the the longest hands.

Four of the fifth and forth  grade girls all have the same amount of inches of there hands.