April 20

Jesus Calms the Storm according to Peter

Who was there?  Jesus and his disciples were in the boat and Jesus was sleeping.

What happened?  A storm broke out on the Sea Of Galillee and the disciples became very scared so they woke Jesus up and asked him for help!  Jesus calmed the storm.

Why did it happen: It happened because Jesus has power over everything, and he could show this to his disciples.

How did it happen:  Jesus just spoke and commanded the wind and waves to stop and they did.



April 19

Jesus turning water into wine


Today is the 3rd day of the wedding,[in Cana] I recognized a couple of people,such as Mary, Jesus, and the other disciples.Later on in the day I saw Mary rush over to Jesus and say “there’s no more wine,” then Jesus said to the servants fill the pitchers with water and they did, after that Jesus turned the  water into wine. I realized that Jesus turned the water in to wine because he wanted to  be kind  to the hosts of the wedding, so that the people that were invited to the wedding would’t be mad at them.

March 30

Little House on Rocky Ridge

First, Rose helps her Mom do the laundry.  Next, Rose, George and Paul played a game they made up called fox and geese. Then, Papa asks Rose , George, and Paul if they want to go swimming.   After that Rose’s and George’s families go swimming in a nearby lake.  Finally, on the way back from swimming Rose spots chicken eggs on the trail. 

March 16

Maid Mary Anne

First,Mary Anne starts working on an assignment for English.

Next,Mary Anne describes her self and her family and friends.

Then,Mary Anne brings twins to a farm which has a baby goat.

And then,Mary Anne goes to a babysitters club meeting with her friends.

Finally, Mary Anne calls someone to ask if they would teach her how to sew.


February 23


3 positive characteristics about Charlie are that he is playful, he is obedient, and he is loyal.   He is playful in the story on page 46 when he builds a tent to play in just for fun.

Charlie has changed in this story because he is becoming more obedient.  An example would be that he needed button sewn on but Sarah was too busy and told him to come back later so he obeyed her instead of  complaining to her.  This is on page 41.


February 10

Florence Nightingale

good things,Florence  decided that she wanted to help people, she got her chance to do that when  her grandpa got sick she was able to help him. Florence was really happy when her aunt invited her to Londen for a couple of weeks.

challenges, when Florence asked her parents if she could be a nurse they were really mad at her for saying she wanted to be a nurse. Because she said she wanted to be a nurse her parents were trying to make her forget she wanted to be a nurse.

changes, Finally Florence decided that she should ask God for help to let her be a nurse.Florence was finally happy when her parents let her become a nurse.

January 22


Melanie is the main character in this book.  One of the actions I read about today was that she accidentally slept overnight in the barn. This is out of character because she normally sleeps in her apartment and is home on time.  Another action is when she accidentally let the puppy she rescued into the stall of her horse and the horse and puppy became great friends.  This action is out of character for her because she is usually very careful around her horse.  The third action I read about is Melanie rescued a puppy she found along the road. This action is in character because Melanie loves animals.

December 15

5 finger retell of Thoroughbred

  1. Setting:  The setting is at the coffee shop, the horse barn, and Melanie’s  motel.
  2. Characters:  The characters in the story so far are Melanie, the main character.  Christina, who is Melanie’s cousin and the stable managers or staff.
  3. Problem:  Melanie needs a race horse to compete in the Kentucky Derby and she doesn’t have one that can.
  4. Beginning-middle-end: In the beginning of the chapter they met for coffee to discuss what type of horse she wants. In the middle, they go to the barn to look at the different horses. In the end of the chapter they head to the motel and Melanie receives a phone call from one of the horse managers who is in Paris about shopping for a new horse.
  5. Solution- I have not read that far yet, so I do not know what the solution is?
December 3

Things I’m Thankful for

Thanksgiving reminds me of all the things i’m thankful for. I appreciate family , friends, and Grandma and grandpa.

I’m especially thankful for books because I like to read them and they are really interesting and they are  fun to read. Books I like to read right now are BABYSITTERS CLUB. One of the reasons that I like the books are because they take  awhile to read when i’m bored and because you can learn a lot about different stuff

I also appreciate grandma because she plays games with me which is really fun.  She also taught me how to sew and now i love it. Things i’v sewn headbands,masks,cloths,purses, doll masks,

Finally,I’m grateful for school because I can go and learn new things. Also  I can be with my friends ,and play and talk with them. School is one of my favorite places to learn new things.

As I enjoy this holiday seasons, I realized that I have many reasons to be thankful. Sisters ,brothers and parents are important to me