Samuel and me.

1. Why does God not always answer our prayers in the way  we want him to?

A. He has a plan for us.

2. How should our attitude be like samuel’s when we enter church or open our Bible’s?

A. Expect to get an answer from God.

3. How was the ark used as a good-luck charm? How could a similar mistake be made with symbols today?

A. The israelites thought that God was with them. People kiss cross necklaces

4. Why is it no longer necessary for us to offer sacrifices as samuel did?

A. Because Jesus was the sacrifice.

5. how can we be living sacrifices for God?

A. We can go to church and be kind.

Making subjects and verbs agree

The rule is: In a sentence, the subject and verb must match. When that happens, we say the subject and verb agree. When a subject is singular (stands for one thing), the verb usually ends in s. When a subject is plural (stands for more than one thing) or the subject is i or you, the verb usually does not end with s.


1. I bring food to the table.

2. She cooks everything from soup to dessert

Pinball Informational Book and Reflection

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Informational Book



  • Is the pinball machine more scientific than you thought : yes, way more scientific.
  • What is one ( or more) things that surprised you: that nothing broke.
  • What is one ( or more) things you learned: that it was a lot of hard work.

  • What were the joys of working in a group: it would be a lot of hard work by my self.
  • What were some struggles of working in a group

  • In general… for the future group work: don’t talk over each other.
  • Mention specific ways you can grow before market day: work better together

pinball – making a bulb light up

Today I learned how to make a light bulb light up it was so cool I learned about a load and open circuit and closed circuit it works like this a load is what you hook up to the battery and a open circuit is a circuit that is not working and a closed circuit is a circuit that works. I also learned that an electric current can flow through a wire. Also I learned that a switch can turn a circuit on and off and I also learned about a conductor and insulator a conductor lets electric current flow through it and a insulator is something that electric current cannot flow through.


Pinball – magnetism

I learned in this experiment how to make an electromagnet, it was sweet the more coils you wrapped around the nail the more paper clips it picked up. I also learned that you can make magnet’s float in mid air that was really cool. Also i learned that you can make a open and closed circuit from the metal ball when it hits to metal item’s. I think i can add a circuit at the bottom so when the ball hit’s it it will make the light bulb light up also i think i could add a electromagnet or just a magnet in the middle to attract the ball into a valley and then the person playing would lose the game.  I also learned that a magnet has a magnetic pole like south and north pole. I also learned that a magnet has a magnetic field and when it is broken it creates electricity.

Pinball – Marbles on the ramp

what did i learn from this experiment

the higher the ramp the more force pulls the marble down by gravity. friction may slow the marble down weight can have more acceleration too. Witch means more speed

these are the ideas we have for are pinball machine.

some ideas i have is that we put a wall of green cardboard in the middle of the pinball machine with some mountains and tunnels at the bottom so the ball can go to the other side at the other side i think we should have rubber band bumpers.

Photo on 11-14-14 at 2.23 PM

Dream destination

images-1I would so so so so go to jamaica!!!!!! It seems so cool it’s so so so so warm there!!! It’s close to the equator I just can’t help but to go there!                                                There is so much suspense I just can’t help it. It is just so so beautiful too.imgres-3
