Birmingham Movie Reflection

I learned some things from this movie. I never really new what the Civil Rights Movement was, but now I know a lot of things that I don’t think I would’ve really found out by just reading a text book on it. I learned that black people, they were like all considered criminals. Like if you see a black person, you need to call the police emediatly and get them arrested. They wouuld get beten and go to jail just because of the color of their skin. Something that stuck with me was the hoses. That is just horrible. Those things have a lot of pressure, and the just sprayed them on innocent kids. Like who would do such a thing. Like crowds gathere just to watch the white people hurt little black kids. And the dogs. Those dogs were not trained, they would go after anyone, white or black. They were bred to bite people and inflict pain on them, and those adults probably with kids of their own, just let the dogs loose on them. Like who would do that.

Bible Exam

imagesNames – 1

images-1 Covenant – 2

imgres Call – 3

imgres-copySinai Law – 4

imgres-copy-2 Sent to the Promised Land – 5

imgres-copy-3Salute to a King – 6

images-copy Symbol of a Lamp – 7

imgres-copy-4 Something is Rotten – 8


I whine about stuff all the time, just doing 2 math problems I whine about, but JP stood outside in the knee deep water waiting to get a visa. I wouldn’t be able to imagine that ever. God really puts some huge challenges in our paths. Me impactó mucho cuando JP vino y empezó a hablar sobre, saliendo de su país y todo de que él sabía y moviendo hasta Iowa. Esto sería muy difícil para mi si yo necesitaba salir de los Estados Unidos, y cambiar y mover hasta India. Si yo necesitaba todo de como hablo y de que pongo en las mañanas como ropa. Todo lo que él estaba diciendo sobre los calcetines y esto, esto me pasaria a mi.

Esto no realmente me va a cambiar me mucho, yo no voy a ir a India o China para mi universidad. Pero yo no voy a quejar tanto porque él necesitaba esperar en una línea por todo el noche en agua que si sentaba, su cabeza casi sería debajo del agua. Si JP puede solamente dejar todo solamente por un universidad, esto es increíble. Yo ni puedo hacer esto para una semana, mucho más para dos años.

Yo no puedo hacer lo que JP hizo. Yo puedo tratar, pero probablemente no se va a pasar. Es tan difícil dejar todo lo que tengo, mi vida, mis amigos, mi familia, mi ropa, mi comida, y cambiarlo a algo tan diferente que ni se como debo vestir. Me gusta la comida que tenemos aquí en Zeeland Michigan. No quiero cambiar que como cada día. Yo tengo una rutina para cada día. Levantar, vestir, comer, ir a la escuela, ir a natación, venir a casa, comer, etc. Yo no quiero cambiar nada de mi vida porque me gusto mi vida como es, pero el cambio su vida por el resto de su vida.

Desafío de consumo

Mi semana en el piso

Por: Maggie Cooper

Casi todas las personas en Estados Unidos usan camas. 91% de las personas en Estados Unidos usan camas. Yo uso una cama, todas las personas en mi familia usa una cama. Todas mis amigos y amigas usan camas. Pero todavía hay personas que no usan camas. Decidió no usar mi cama por una semana. Yo hice esto para entender más sobre las personas que no tienen una cama. También ayuda porque no vas a necesitar lavar sus cobijas tanto, entonces tienes más electricidad.  Yo creí que iba a ser muy fácil hacer, pero realmente no es. Es muy incomodo y un poco frío. Es triste que mucha gente en el mundo no tienen camas y necesitan dormir en el piso.

Dormía en el piso para sentir como sienten otras personas que no tienen camas. Fue muy difícil porque necesitaba sacar una parte de mi vida por una semana. Necesitaba cambiar mi horario para poner todas mis cosas en el piso.  Una vez mi hermana entró en mi cuarto, la día que no tenía escuela, y me levanto. Era muy enojada en ella porque ya estaba durmiendo en el piso, y para ella hacer esto! Yo no me gustaba hacerlo, y casi todas las noches quería ir en mi cama y era muy difícil de pararme. Cuando finalmente podía dormir cada noche, yo usualmente desperté otra vez durante la noche. Era muy incómodo y frío y esto es porque siempre me levante durante el noche. Yo entiendo mucho más como son las personas sin una cama. Si yo haria esto otra vez, probablemente dormiría en mi garaje afuera. Pero esto es ahora, y yo no creo que voy a hacer esto otra vez.

El afecto de dormir en el piso, es un impacto bueno y malo. Es bueno porque ahora entiendo un poco más sobre cómo viven las otras personas en el mundo sin cama. También tiene un afecto bueno porque no necesitaba usar tan electricidad, porque no uso mis cobijas entonces no necesitaba lavarlas. Pero también tenía un afecto malo. Un afecto malo es que yo estaba muy dolorida en mi espalda y mi cuello. No tenía un afecto tan grande en mi familia excepto que ellos pudieron ver cómo estaba durmiendo, y ver a yo actualmente durmiendo en el piso. No realmente tiene un gran impacto en mi país excepto que no usábamos tanta electricidad. Mis generaciones futuras podrían tener un impacto grande. Esto podría pasar si yo estaba todavía viva yo podría decirles sobre mi experimento, y qué impacto tenía. Si la mayoría de la población dormiría en el piso, tendrá un afecto muy grande. No tendrías que usar las lavadoras tanto y muchas otras personas podrían tener camas y cobijas. Yo aprendí que no todas las personas en el mundo tienen una vida muy buena y perfecta. Muchas personas tienen una vida difícil y dura, especialmente si duermen en el piso.

Ahora yo voy a vivir y pensar de una manera muy diferente. Voy a dar gracias mucho más por las cosas que tengo, porque el mayoría del tiempo personas no tienen lo que tengo. Voy a tratar de no tomar mis cosas por concedido, Voy a usarlas como debo usarlas. Yo todavía estoy respondiendo a esta experiencia de una manera rara. He vivido por una manera muy difícil. No estoy acostumbrada hacer cosas como esto, si otras personas en el mundo viven como esto cada día, yo tengo mucha suerte. A mí me gusta mi cama y no puedo imaginar una vida sin mi cama. Yo quiero continuar cambiando cosas en mi vida o mis patrones de consumo. Si hacer algo tan pequeño tiene un impacto tan grande, ¿cómo sentiría hacer algo más grande?

El Fin!!!!!!!!!!

Living on a dollar

We just watched a movie called living on a dollar. The biggest challenge for me in that movie isto give up everything I have. To be hungry almost all day everyday. To instead of worrying about if we forgot homwork for the next day, but worying that your water may have a parisite being in your water and getting sick, or to be worying about when your next payment will come and if it will be enough to keep you alive. We always take our stuff for granted.  When the guys pulled out 9$ from the hat, they were just overjoyed because they could get banannas. Living in the same room with my family for the rest of my life, and to have everything in that room would just be so difficult. I’m just thinking about what I can give up, and everything I think off I always think, “oh no I can’t give that up, it means too much to me” When really I can, I just consume it and take it for granted. This movie is an amazing movie, and if I had that opportunity to do that for 2 months I would take it.

Favorite Band/Choir

My favorite band song is by far Rokin Around because it is like a big huge fanfare and in the front of the song it is kinda soft and low but then it builds up into the huge sonf that it is.

Toy Story 4

Toy Story 4 is currently being made. If I were the director of that movie I would make the movie about Woody and Buzz Lightyear going to a different planet. When they get to that different planet they would have to save the planet from complete destruction from a Volcano that has acid in it. To save  planet Berkinswash from the acid they have to take a long long journey to the other side of the planet. In that long Journey they also have to destroy everything except the volcano and build a house for themselves to live in with a tower that on every Wednesday a new room comes and it is amazing, also a new room on Tuesday comes in the castle. After they made the new home they take a long journey to the top of the volcano, were they find the reason that the volcano will erupt, it is because there was a little tiny pebble inside that they have to go thru the inch wide acid and go into a foot of water all the way to the bottom were they pick up the pebble and save Berkinswash from complete destruction!!!!!

And that is what it would be about…………………………

Tulip Time…

During tulip time we as a family always go to the parades. In the Saturday parade my sister Leah My mom and me, always ride on the tulip time float. In the parade There are a lot of bands floats and trucks. My mom is on the Tulip time board, and she is in charge of all of the trolley tours. We all love tulip time.

Request Foods

On our field trip to request foods I learned about what they did and all the different kid of jobs they had. I also learned how all the food was made and all the different brands of food that they made.

My new island

Well I found a huge island that is very big and tropical and has very many amazing creatures. But the unusual thing is that in every single tree there is a path that goes to one big tree and on that big tree is a huge floating city with almost anything you want on it. For the houses there is a little forest that has tree houses on every tree and they are all connected, but of course there is a door. That is what it looks like, and like i said before it is huge. Now the next step before letting people come and live on the bottom part of the island I need to make some laws…

  1. No going on the floating island (My house) unless you are invited
  2. No murdering people or
  3. No harming any of the environment
  4. All of your supplies have to be reused
  5. No littering
  6. No cars allowed
  7. No trespassing on other peoples property
  8. No claiming things unless you have your house right there
  9. No killing animals
  10.  Follow all these laws
  11. No electronics
  12. No food from other countries
  13. No swimming past the sand bar
  14. No spying
  15. HAVE FUN!!!!!

                                                             Have fun at Chica resort and Spa!!!!!And home

Dancing in D.C

Dancing in D.C

I went to Washington over spring break. When we were at Washington D.C. me my dad and mom and sister went to see my aunt Kate. When we got there my mom was so exited to see her and so was I. We even saw her dog! The first thing that she brought us to do was to go and see the monuments. After we saw the monuments in the day we went back to my hotel and had dinner. After we ate dinner we went and saw the monuments at night time! It was so beautiful! The monuments that we saw were, the White house, the Lincoln memorial, the Washington monument, the Reflecting pool, the J.F.K. Memorial, The Jefferson memorial, and the capital building, and finally the nine eleven (911) memorial. It was my favorite thing we did there! I loved it so much I actually started to dance!

Mi Favorito versiculo Biblico

Mi favorito versiculo biblico es

Juan 3:16

Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.

Es mi favorito verisculo biblico porque Dios esta diciendo si tu confias en el tu vas a vivir en el cielo con el para ciempre.


Para el Domingo para estar más cerca de DIOS yo puedo estar con mi familia que el me dio, y puedo alabar a el, puedo descansar porque el nos dio el ejemplo de qu een el septimo dia necesitamos descansar.

Image Group

We studied Massachusetts and then we presented it to the Image Group. I do not regret doing anything they loved our presentation, They even asked me to start working there!!! In other words i think we did a great job.


One man band

In the short movie called “The One Man Band” there was one man who was fat and weird. He had a instrument with all of the other instrument from the band. Then a cute little girl came along with a coin, the one man band saw that coin and started to play very Loudly to get the little girls attention. When the girl saw the one man band she was very exited and impressed so she went over and was about to give the coin happily. But the all of the sudden another one man band came in and this time he had all of the instrument from the orchestra and wanted that coin very badly. So he started to play very much to get the coin. The girl saw that and went over there to give a coin instead. But then they started to get in to a very big fight over the coin. The girl dropped the coin in the drain and was very sad. Then she was very mad took on of the instruments and played it  easily  and she got a bag full of coins.

My devotional code project

In Computer Class we have been working on a Devotional for a code project, and here are some of my thoughts: It was fun because we got to share some of our self by showing our love for God in a devotional, we learned that it is not always easy to make even a little paragraph even when it is on a very easy place to code, I like my devotional because it represents me and now one els is like me and I am proud of that.