Monthly Archives: March 2017

Eagle Huntress

This film was an awesome. I never knew that people actually hunted with eagles. It would be so cool to hunt with an eagle. If I lived in Mongolia I would want too hunt with eagles too. I would also love to have horses.

I liked this film because even though people mocked and laughed at her she still did her best. I don’t know if I could have done that. She was also very brave and courageous. She scaled a cliff just to find an eagle. I probably would have chickened out because I hate heights.


Saugatuck Film Festival

To scale: The solar system

It’s way bigger than I thought it was. It was crazy how far away the “sun” was from all the other “planets”. I also liked the way they had lights around the orbits. It took them less than 2 days to make it. Which I thought was pretty cool.

Running Wild: 

Wolverines are awesome animals, powerful too. They are also the mascot for MSU. If I could have done that I totally would have. I would have died after like 4 miles though. I also think it was cool they made a film about saving them.

Canyon Song:

I thought it was weird that the dad turned from christianity and turned back to listening to the spirits. But I think its cool that they wanted know more about their heritage. My heritage is mostly dutch. My great oma came from the Netherlands with my oma and great uncle. And I would love to know more about my heritage.

Possible Jobs:

Camera man/woman, Ultra runner, Film maker, surfer, National park caretaker, A person who studies the solar systems, Tight rope walker, Musicians, rock climber.