Immigration Day

 McKenna Schafer

Immigration Day

                Yesterday was immigration day we talked to people about how they immigrated to America. We invited people to come talk to us about there experience. My group talked to Fifi, she was one of the students that immigrated to go to Hope Collage. She said in Germany the schooling was very different she would just sit there and take notes, when she got to America she though it would be the same way, but when she went to her first class she was all prepared to take note but then she found out that the teacher was going to have them do stuff and interact with people. The other person I had was Maestra Zuri Suero. Fersi said this on microphone time, but on her first day at ZCS she walk into Mr. VanDyk’s office and was talking to him before she started teaching. Before she walked out of his office he said Break a leg. She had no clue what that meant, she was clue less.                                                                                               I think it is importent to know about other countries. I’ve always had a soft heart even though it might not seem like it I do. Learning about different countries. I wish I learned about these countries earlier in my life because the proses to get to america is so hard. People want to come to america and they are willing to do anything to America. People all over the world should learn about this stuff not just our school.                                                                              I’ve always though countries were very poor, but in the last 2 months I’ve had a little change in that thought I mean there is still people that our poor but for three kids from Guatemala. It is not cheap to come to America. I want to go to the places and experience them and I want to hear more stories from people. I love hearing stories and I wish I could hear more stories.

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