Mystery: Philippines Reroute

As Matthew, Leah and Cable entered into Holland Airport they went through security and went to their gate they finally got to relaxe. They were headed to the Philippines. After getting accepted 11 months ago, preparing for thing was a blast but they were so excited. Growing up the 3 kids were best friends they all went to Zeeland Christian school. Some people were jealous about how close they were but thing could never change their relationship. While they were waiting for their flight to come and start to board they all took a quick bathroom break. While they were in the bathroom criminals came and took all there stuff. They quickly get security and they brought in the 4 best detectives they have Gabe Nelson, Abby Dykhouse, Ally Barles and Luke Gruppen. When the detective were looking the found something the the criminals left behind a picture of 4 people that looked a lot like the kids they went to school with. They new the 3 kids didn’t get to go to the Philippines. They tried out but didn’t make it. That detectives started looking for other clues. Detective Ally and Detective Abby started to interview other people that might have saw what happened. They came across 2 pretty girls that were headed to the Philippines for a vacation, there names were Josie and Sadie. They were cousins that needed a break from school. They said that they saw 3 people that all had red hats and were acting like normal people doing normal stuff. Josie said that she was looking at her phone and heard a sound and looked up. While Detective Ally and Detective Abby were interviewing. Detective Gabe and Detective Luke were looking for other clues. A few feet away from where the bags were stolen they found a spot of blood. They quickly got it tested and got the results back. The DNA was Jacob Hoekwater. We are one step closer they thought. They quickly had another police officer, Officer Nicole Devries  scout the area and see if they could see the people that stole the backpacks. Officer Nicole spotted 3 people with black hats but the same backpacks as the Leah, Matthew and Cable. The police stopped them and started to ask them questions. They all started to shaking and sweating when she was asking her questions. When the interview was almost over Will pulled out a gun and was pointing it at Officer Nicole. She quickly got her gun out and called for backup. Will threatened to shoot her and she quickly aimed and shot. The shot hit him in ribs. Officer Nicole quickly got the detectives over and arresting them of stealing. They quickly got him Will to the hospital. He lived and was fine and  Leah, Matthew and Cable got there backpacks back and had an amazing time in the Philippines.


Thematic Essay

Thematic writing

The name of the book is The Inn at Ocean’s Edge by Colleen Coble. The book starts out with 2 different stories and then they meet each other and they figure out that Claire was missing for a year and Luke mom went missing the same day in the same town. They never found his mom and Claire missing for a year. They soon figure out that his mom was killed. But there question was how did Claire get out? They figure out that the real claire had ran away and got beat up by some man. Her mom found her didn’t know what to do and left her there to die. Luke’s mom heard crying so she went to find what it was and saw the man beat Claire up and then he took Luke’s mom because he didn’t want to her to run away and tell someone. The Claire that didn’t die was really named Rachel. Her father and mom got a divorce and so he took one of the twins and called her Claire. At the end she finds her twin and gets the truth out of her dad. One of the themes in this book is lies will always come back to hurt you.  

One place this theme is apparent is when Claire figured out she wasn’t Claire. IN the book Claire started to Figure out that she wasn’t gone for a year. Her dad started to say that she was gone for a year and then all of a sudden appeared. But Claire was so smart and didn’t believe it and then he said she ran away and they were leaving and so they grabbed a girl that looked a lot like you and called her Claire. Claire didn’t believe that either. The truth was that Claire died and then they took one of the twins and called her Claire.

Another place this theme is apparent is when the police lied to Luke’s family that the bones weren’t his mom and they figured out they were. The police took one of the bones from 25 years ago and said that they weren’t her bones but they were. About a week later they figured out that they were hers and then they had a big funeral.

Another one is when Uncle Paul said he wasn’t the killer and he was. In the book he had secretly killed 3 people and almost 4. He killed Claire, Luke’s mom, and his girlfriend. He secretly took Claire away and was going to kill her but Luke and the police saved her. Luke saw Paul take her and then called the police. All along Paul was Claire’s step uncle he hated their  family he wanted to kill them all but he got caught.

The themes lies will always come back to hurt you. Has happened in my life to. I loved this book. My mom loved the book so she said I should read it and I’m glad I did. It was full of action and super intense.

Ironic writing

“Mom, I’ve decided to go vegan.” Makalah said to her mom after she got home from school. “Honey, why are you all of a sudden going vegan?” asked her mom. “Mom! Really?!? All my friends are doing it. I just want to fit in.” sassed back Makalah.  

“Honey, are you sure you want to do this? I know that you love steak from Logan’s Roadhouse.”

“Yes Mom. I’m positive… but that does sound good right now.” Makalah said laughing a little. The rest of the week Makalah didn’t any meat. She felt weak at some points put stuck with it. She was starting to find different recipes to make without meat at all.

“Hey Makalah!” Said her friend Dani, “Do you want to come to my house friday we can have a sleepover? We can have pizza and go t-pe someone. I was think we could do it to Cole. I know where he lives and it would be perfect!”

Makalah excitedly said “Yes! I would love to! I would love to t-pe Cole! He would never expect it!”

“Sweet” Said Dani “ I am going to invite Ashley, Abby, Leah, McKenna, and Marissa”

“Awesome I will text my mom and ask her. I will tell you before school ends”  That night her mom said yes!

3 days later friday night came! She was so excited to go hangout in Dani’s new pole barn. We arrived at 4:30 got all dressed up and put all this weird, some of it creamy, and some of it hard stuff called makeup. But hey, I thought I looked cute! At 5:30 we had pizza delivered to her house. It was Pizza hut pizza. My favorite. I had 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza. “ummm Makalah?”

Asked one of her friends as she was eating her pepperoni pizza. “Yes what do you need?” asked Makalah.

“Aren’t you vegan?” asked her friend

“Yes, why?”

“Well isn’t pepperoni meat?”

“Oh my lanta! It is!” Makalah said spitting the pizza out. “Well there goes being vegan!”

“Hey, it was worth a try” said abby laughing. As the night went on there laughed turn into happy crying, there picture taking turned into seeing who could cross the river the fastest.  They went t-peing and had a blasted and didn’t get caught.

Summer Fun

I chose the latter because this summer I Built a chicken coop. This summer I got a batch of 50 chicken. At first they were as tiny as a butterfly. They came in this little tiny box. When they get older they reek. All they really do is poop, eat and drink. My chickens are my little babies I take care of them each day. When they go to the people that kill them it was kinda sad. It’s kinda like when your dog dies.

I chose the latter because it kinda like a mountain. This summer my family and I went to Mackinac island. Me and my dad went to the highest point on the island and went down. We honestly went down hill for like 5 minutes and didn’t peddle at all. Since my dad and I loved it so going the hill so much we told my sister and mom that they had to go. We rented a tandem bike so my mom and my sister went flying down this hill on a tondom my mom was screaming louder than I’ve ever heard her in my life. It smelled like pine tree that was a 60 years old. Mackinac Island is my favorite place on earth.

I chose the crown because when we went to Canada we went to a castle. In Canada we went to a castle called Casa Loma. A long time ago there was a really rich guy that built a castle for a home. He was so rich he had an underground passageway to his barn. He had like 5 cars and many rooms in the house. When he got older he made some bad decision and had to leave his house and leave his family and find somewhere else to live. He slowly got poorer and poorer and died at a young age. Now Casa loma is like a house but way bigger. It is a very tourist place and very beautiful. You could almost smell the food that the servants made back then.