slavery and salvation

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You may not see slavery but there is lots of it. there are examples of slavery and salvation in the bible. an exaple of slavery is joseph got sold into slavery and yet he helped his famaly. example of salvation is moses and he was born into slavery but led isrel into salvation. my picture is a whip and it was used to hit slaves. modern days we have rules not comandments.

Theme 3 covenants


There are different covenants in the bible. One of these covenants is conditional and that is if you do what I want ill do this for you. A unconditional covanent is I will do this for you know matter what. My picture is two guys making a deal kind of like a covenant. Modern days we dont do covenants. You would recognize the words promise which is like a unconditional covenant and deal which is conditional,

Theme – Conflict / Doubt


God knows we struggle in times of conflict and doubt. He understads we are not perfect. This can be seen in the bible when jacob literaly reseled with god then god changed his name to israel which means struggle with god. My visual is a mom calming kid because she wes crying because she lost her dad and that was a time of doubt. I learned that god will provide the things we need to heal frome these times. God wants and will help you if you trust in him.

kingdoms of israel

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There where 2 kingdoms in israel northern and southern. the northern kingdome had only 1 good go and the rest worshiped false gods. the souther kingdome had 2 good kings the rest worshiped baal. The king’s focus on power and popularity than on God’s law. There are consequences for doing it our way not gods. My visual is a castle to reminde me of a lingdome.

the call

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God calls us in different ways. If we dont listen we wont ever hear what he wants us to do. An example of getting called is me and kaidens famaly getting called to adopt. my visual aid is michrophone because it lets people hear your call. If you think that god could be calling you just pray about it. He could put a person in your life or an idea in your mind.


Bible Test Entery 1

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In the bible we see the importance of peoples names sometimes it tells them more about them. Ask your mom and dad what your name means and why they picked it. One of Gods names is elohim which means creator. My picture is names and I picked it because everyone has different names that mean different things. I learned that you can understand bible stories alot more if you look at peoples names. Every name has a special meaning behind it.