Trump is Elected the Next Presedent

Hilary would get 274 votes  an trump would lose by 100000000000000000000000000.

Wen i say that trump won i was really surprised cause i thought that hillary would win and not trump because the predictions were that trump would lose.

we can be nice to others and not be mad that the Person who won or lost because we need to be one big country and unite together or else we cant a be a good nation so we need to unite together and not get mad that the person they did not want to win won so we must be nice.

We can make sure that no one gets mad that the person they wanted to win did not win so we can make our community better by saying that it is okay cause all of us need to be a community and work together or else we cant accomplish any thing so we can make HISTORy

Día de abuelos

¿Nombres? Abuelo Y Abuelo

Mis abuelos y abuelas son especial porque trae me a lugares para comprar cosas.

Un divertido especial con my abuelos son que traen me para pescar y trae me en carros muy buen.



El paseo de Planetario

Yo aprendi en el planetario que la luna tiene diferente fases y que los fases siempre en un lado siempre tiene luz porque la reflexion de la sol y tambien yo aprendio que otros planetas tambien tiene diferente fases si estos planetas tiene lunas. Tambien que la tierra tiene meses y los otros planetas como marte tambien tiene meses.