Mystery Story

Nicole DeVries

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

17 February 2017

Death Struck Three Times

I have traveled to every country in the world. I have capsized ships in the middle of the ocean. In a war, I am thick in the air taking as many bodies with me as I can. When the bombs hit the ground, souls float up into the air as thousands. I grab the elderly and carry them into my home. On rare occasions, I go and kidnap children that accidently jump in front of a car. I’m not saying I enjoy my job, but that is the way it is. And there was no way out of it. But today, I had the privilege to walk straight into the palace of England and take the soul of the beloved Queen. I worked through a person and controlled them as they pulled the trigger that ended the Queen’s pathetic life.

The King sobbed silently in a chair near the crime scene. The Sheriff was using his magnifying glass to inspect the suspicious black, short hair on the corpse. The chef was silently walking around giving people his fresh cookies to cheer them up, but avoided the corner where the butler was staring at the princess. Over the times I have travelled around listening to different rumors around the town, and I heard that the butler is madly in love with the blonde princess. He slicked his twirly black mustache in his fingers, while having a sly grin on his face. The prince was not looking devastated at all. He laughed along with the servant, who had dark brown hair which was usually up in a bun. Well, it was more laughing at her while she tried to control her clumsiness. She stumbled around the room, and was very antsy.  The buzz of the escaped prisoner was barely even being discussed, even though he was found guilty of murdering 4 people. He mysteriously disappeared the night before the tragic death which caused many suspicions. He was a 40 year old man with black scruffy hair, and he looked pale in the bright orange jumpsuits that were mandatory to wear in the castle prison.

This is how it went. The following people heard the Butlers shriek and they all went running. I stayed to watch the show of panic. Everyone piled into the room to see what could have caused that terrified noise. The King’s face dropped. The Sheriff’s face showed interest. The chef looked very worried. The Butler had a smirk on his face. The Princess hasn’t moved a muscle, and her face was just as tight as normal with her nose stuck up. The prince barely even noticed because he was too busy fixing his hair. The servant’s face went as pale as a ghost and she started to fidget.

The butler stood at least 10 feet away from the body of the Queen, still staring at it. To me, he looked almost delighted. But, when I look into his mind I see sick, twisted, cruel thoughts on every level. There was a gun in the corner of the room, which must have been used for the crime. The Sheriff walked up first and started checking the area. The Queen’s face was struck in a pose of pure horror and fright. Her body was twisted on the floor in an unrealistic way. An orange thread was laying on the floor. One arm was behind her back above her head, with her legs sprawled out. Her blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders and there was drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. But one thing he noticed was the long, dark brown hair near her feet. There was also three pieces of short black hair near it. He then walked over to the gun. He picked up the gun and pronounced,

“This is my gun that went missing, and there is only one bullet gone!”

And with that statement, I flashed inside of his brain and could see what he was thinking. He was afraid that people would think that he was the murderer because his gun was in the room. He was using every ounce of his brainpower to sort through the clues to figure out who did it, before he was accused. Then the princess spoke up.

“Well, what are you going to do about it?”

She was thinking about the butler. She thought about how handsome he looked in that dark jacket with his hair slicked back. She also was quite nervous and hesitant, and seemed very anxious about the whole situation. She also was thinking about how since her mother was dead, she would be crowned Queen way sooner than if she was alive. Her eyes kept on darting to the servant who stood in shock nearby. The servant was thinking about how much she would rather be out of this room with nothing to do with it. She felt incredibly guilty, and thought about her family and what would happen if she was accused and sent away and could not send money to them. That left us with the chef who started sniffing to see if his dinner was burning in the oven. He suddenly felt fatigue, and left quickly without a word to check on the food and also settle down.

The only sound in the castle was the king sobbing in the corner of the room. In his thoughts was devastation, grief, and unbelief. But there was also a little bit of hope left in there, for now his wife wouldn’t be yelling at him for things that he was innocent to. The quietness was interrupted by the butler, who cleared his throat.

“Well, I don’t see the point of just sitting around here staring at a dead body. I will escort the princess back to her room so she can get a good night’s rest. I will ask the servant to accompany us.”

They left right away, with the relieved thoughts of each of them to get away from the crime scene. The butler especially was worried about what was going to happen next. The prince was still sitting in the chair looking quite bored. And, in fact, he was bored. He would rather have gone out riding his horse or practicing archery. But, now since his Mother was dead, he would have more freedom around the castle to do whatever he wishes.

I then decided that I would take one more victim from this opportunity to cause more disruption in the country than ever. That night, I took the King and the Queen. Everyone turned their heads as the King dropped to the ground with his eyes rolled back into his skull, foaming at the mouth. But it was too late, he was mine now.

This was the time when everyone started panicking. Every mind I crept into had gallons of confusion in them. All together, it was quite chaotic. Chairs were being overturned, screams were being heard. The racket brought the chef back into the room, but with a tray of fresh bread. But suddenly, all of the heads were turned as the butler and the princess returned into the room, with scratches across their faces. The princess opened her mouth to speak in between breaths.

“Help, the killer just attacked us and is on the run!”

But it was too late. A click sound came from the corner of the room where the sheriff left his stolen gun. Hands went up, level with their ears as a sign of surrender. The servant stood shaking, leaning so far over but still on her feet. Her eyes and mind showed fear of what these people had done to her. She finally found the ounce of courage in her to speak.

“The prince and the butler hired me to kill the Queen. They wanted her dead because the Queen never would have allowed them to get married if she was alive. The princess also wanted to become Queen sooner, and take over the country for more power. They have destroyed my sanity in every way possible, which is why I am standing with this gun right here, right now. I do not care what you have to say, but if you say one word, it will be your last one.”

Everyone stood as silent as possible, but now staring at the princess and the butler. They both sprinted out of the doors, probably heading for the woods. The sheriff started running after them, when suddenly a greasy man in an orange jumpsuit jumped in front of him, holding two guns instead of one. But he wasn’t pointing them at the sheriff or the rest of the others, he had them pointing straight at the servant.

She was the third person I took that day. Once the bullet reached that vital organ on the left side of her chest, it was obvious she was a goner. Her body fell lifelessly to the ground, and her soul rose up into the air for me to take. After the prisoner shot her, he sat down on the ground and started weeping. He talked in between sobs.

“The butler took me out of the prison, saying that I was being released early. I gratefully took the opportunity to leave and start my life over. But once I started walking through the town, people looked at me. After an incident with the police chasing after me saying how I’d escaped, I knew something was wrong. I ran and ran until they could not chase me any longer. I stopped by the side of a river, concealed by the bushes. But I heard a voice, and it was the butler on the phone with (im assuming) the princess. He told her the whole plan, how he released me and took false clues from my clothes and my hair to set up. He said how the servant had agreed to complete the task, and how now they can become King and Queen and rule over the land. I knew that I did not want to spend the rest of my life as a fugitive, so I started my journey back to the castle. I just decided to come in here now, but when I heard the words tumbling out of that idiotic servant I knew I had to act quickly before everyone was dead. I took down two guards and got both of their guns. I never wanted to kill anyone, but the adrenaline of saving others was running too much through my body.”

Since everyone else was losing their patience, they accepted his innocence in the whole thing. The sheriff put the prisoner in handcuffs to be sent back down to the dungeons. As everyone else filed through the door, the prince propped it open with his foot. No one noticed the slight grin on his face, for his scheme of threatening everyone else to do the dirty work had gone according to plan. And the thought of his sister running through the dark forest brought a chuckle to his lips. And me, known as the character Death, knew that no one would catch him, leaving me to deal with him in the end.

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