Favorite Bible Verse


Posted by nlubbers22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 19, 2014

Toy Story 4 ~ Oh, the Possibilities


Posted by nlubbers22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 13, 2014

This is what I think Toy Story 4 will be like,

Bonnie is eleven and there moving, they forget about the toys and move. Then they start running behind them and see a truck that says Sanfransisco. Thats where bonnie is moving so they hop on that truck and there right behind bonnie. Then she remembers that she left them so she turns around and goes back even though they are super far away. Then the toys see that so they jump from that truck and land on there car. Then she realizes that is them so she pulls over gets her toys and keeps going. When they get there it’s her birthday. She gets a new toy that is evil and that tries to push them out of a window. Then they jump and the evil toy falls out the window and dies so they half to get here a new one but they get one that doesn’t come to life. Then they go back to there normal life and they only do sign language.

Grand Heaven Planetarium


Posted by nlubbers22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 6, 2014

Here is three things I learned at the planetarium.

I learned that the solar eclipse is rare(it only happens about once every year). I also learned that there is about 88 constellations that we can see from earth(I thought there were only about 20). I also learned that there is a black hole in the center of the galaxy.

Here is three things I thought were cool from the planetarium.

I really liked how it was a big dome and the projector was so big. I also really liked how there was a lot of moving stars and constellations.  I also really liked how the chairs were like the comfy ones in movie theaters.

Here are some God stories that I can tell when I think about the universe.

I see God in the Sun, it’s always there! I also see God in the black holes, they suck you in and God does to with all the powerful love he has for us. I also see God in the universe because he controls every thing just how he wants it.

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