Immigration day


It was sweet how we got to listen to mrs. Hilderbrand from hong kong, and see where she lived and all the night lights there. She let us see all the subway tunnels and some of the subways go under the harbor to the hong kong island. She let us see the ferry that went from china to the hong kong island. Jean Luc was from Honduras and it was in the winter he went out of his house and he ran out side with only tennis shoes on and he slipped and fell on the ice out side of his house. He had to be taken to the emergency room and they found out that he sprained his finger and it had to be relocated. Mrs. Hilderbrand told us that china says that 3,000 people from china had to come to hong kong. So the city has to make skyscrapers. So they can fit everybody, and the skyscraper got taller and taller, and the rooms got smaller and smaller. She told us that hong kong was in a riot against china. China was sending people to rule and since hong kong is democracy and China is Communist so they run into problems. Hong kong started a riot and they killed everyone in the night and made it seem like there was no riot at all. Hong Kong didn’t even know about it till recently. There was a person that went in the middle of a line of tanks. The tanks tried to go around him but he just moved were they were going. They finally arrested him and the tanks went by.

Immigration day is an awesome day because we get to hear cool stories and learn about different cultures. We get to hear from first immigrants and learn from then about the culture they lived in. It helped me recognize that it is a different country. Like us we are strict on are rules and that in Honduras they are relaxed about rules. If there is a yellow light we normally stop and if we don’t we might get puled over. In Honduras green means go yellow means hurry up and red means you can make it. Here we stop at stop signs but in Honduras it is like there is no stop sign there. Jean Luc said that hear there is all strait and properly but in Honduras houses are all over the place.

I heard so much about how it might have been tough to live in their country and why they left. Jean Luc went hear for college and goes to hope. Mrs. Hilderbrand on the other hand came here to get married. In Hong Kong there is a lot of riots and at lest I didn’t know about that at all, but I am sure that they know a lot of stuff about the U.S.A. I guess that since it is a small places that we don’t hear about that stuff. Compared to China they are about nothing. This challenges me to keep up as much as I can to learn about other smaller country and to learn about there climate and every thing. Like Isaac’s dad said that he thought Nepal was going to be cold because of the mountains. I think that was a stario type because mt. Everest was there. Just like how people think we cary guns around because a guy killed someone for his shoes.