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My thoughts on our Native American field trip experience

I learned a lot on this trip and I really enjoyed learning about it. We went to Saugatuck museum of the art and we watched a documentary about the people at Standing Rock and Native Americans around the Midwest and in Michigan. We also learned about how the people who came from Europe treated them poorly. That really opened my eyes and it made upset because the settlers from Europe came and “Dehumanized” the Native Americans that lived here. They put the kids in boarding schools and some years they would not come home because they were forced to work. If they broke any rule they were treated fairly poorly and punished severely. Some punishments even being fatal, which is crazy. The people who came from Europe made treaties with the Native Americans broke them and took their land for themselves. Which is the land that you and I now live in. Now the government is risking the water supply of one of the Native American reservation by building the South Dakota pipeline. Which is Standing Rock one of the reservations given to the Native Americans by the government. There were protests by the Sioux tribes and some of them were severely injured by the policemen. I think that it is super unfair on how they are treated and that is my thoughts on that.

Living on a dollar

We watched living on a dollar and it was really eye opening because we can wake up eat breakfast and not think anything else about it but the people living in this village might now have enough money to afford food and there water source has sand and bugs running through their and we can just turn on our faucet and have all the clean water we want.  It would be really cool if all people could have life’s where they don’t need to worry about not having enough food or water

Cultura #5

La mapa de escuela en Bolivia. La oficina de director es en la enfrente de la escuela la gimnasio es de derrecha de officina de director.  clase de matemáticas l es detras de la ofcina de esponol.

La mapa de mi pais.  Boliva es izquierda de Brasil la capital de Bolivia  es La Pas, La Pas es izquierda de Villa Tunari . Sucre es sur de La pas es muy sur de otros cidaudes.

Cultura #4

los estudiantes de bolivia aprenden, Matemáticas,  leer, y tecnología

Matemáticas usar números y lápices.

Clase de leer usar mucho libros

tecnología usar la computara y codificaciónimgres-1 .


Los estudiantes de bolvia llengan esucela alas sies y salen en un

Cultura blog post #3

  1.  James Moreno . James Moreno es Atletico. 2.  Es  Carlos Sauced 3. Evo morales es Presidente de Bolivia es muy Intellegente imgres
                                      2.    Carlos Saucedo. Es muy bajo y rapido.


My best part of summer

Well I did a lot of things this summer but my favorite had to be going to Virginia beach because we went swimming in the ocean and had a lot of fun imgres-1imgres

Other Highlights to my summer:

A week at Wisconsin

Going to Pennsylvania

Many Many sports events and camps


What I think this gear does

Cshaft I think this is a something that gets a car to go the gray are the cylinders and the red is the pistons maybe. The black is a wheel for sure. So that is my thoughts about this picture.

This is a project that our tech teacher gave us to do. By the way


How Do I Learn Spelling Best?

I like looking at them then asking my parents to quiz me.


How can  Mr.C do better  next year:

I think you should do it on the computer the majority of the time because I got one of my words wrong because of my bad handwriting and you can’t have bad handwriting on the computer because I saw that I spelled telescope wrong. Becasue my O looked like a P and my P looked like an Oimages-1

Market Day Reflection

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

I think that collaboration is key because, If you did not collaborate you couldn’t get any work done. That leads to unsuccessful also leads to:  no prophet.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

If you don’t do any critical thinking your product would not be as unique as it could be. You want to bring your product to it’s full potential.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

You need a great amount of creativity that also brings it a few more steps to it’s i full potential.

So I am glad our group had a lot of creativity

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

Communication is also a key for market day because it’s related to collaboration. Because you can’t do anything if you don’t talk to group. So we also get along well so that helps I think market day creates friendships

  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

Creating friendships more with our class I think this like an opportunity to bring our whole class together. So it the groups in our class were not competition at all.

  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

Try to make deals before hand so we could sell out. But otherwise it went well

  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning?

That there always ALWAYS be competition in life. The competition will always try to rub it in and try to take out your company. wpid-wp-1431722509501

ZCS to the zoo

3 things I’m excited to see ,

  1. tigers !
  2. the aquarium

3.and obviously the loins!

3 things I’m curious about,

why do fish also need oxygen?

are there any sharks at john ball? john-ball-zoo-generic

will the tigers be out? OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStingrays in the new exhibit


Pre – Market Day Thoughts

How are you feeling?

I’m feeling nervous and excited and hopeful because I hope we sell out.

Are you concerned about anything?

Yes I’m concerned that the other keychain group will sell better than us so I hope I have my class on my side rather than my group (Lauren Fischer and Spencer Wisdom)

I’m excited because I want to beat my competition, I’m wondering how the other keychain group

is feeling?                          Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 10.34.24 AMScreen Shot 2015-05-15 at 10.34.43 AM          Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 10.34.54 AM               (Spencer top left , Me top right ,Lauren bottom left)

The Lemonade War has Thought me…..


imgresThat you should always treat your siblings with respect because if you don’t they will always remember you as your mean sibling. And to know that there always ALWAYS be competition your life and you have to know how to be competitive and know how to do like God would.