God’s Preparation

I think that God has been preparing me to do work for him through my Spanish, at school I have been in Spanish immersion and I think that through that I can reach out to people in other countries that speak Spanish. I also think that God has been preparing me through kids, I love to be with kids and babysit them. I think that kids have a really big impact and can influence other kids around them.

I think that some experiences that God has put in my path are lot’s of babysitting jobs and kids around me in my community. Another experience that I have not yet experienced is going to Cost Rica and being able to speak Spanish there and we will also be working with kids there so it’s like a two in one.

Some gifts and talents that I have is being able to speak Spanish (obviously) and I am also very organized so that comes in handy when your around kids.

Why is it important that we study christian persecution?

I think that it is important that we study about christian persecution to now what is really happening in other countries and how people will give up their lives for Christ. It is also very important because then we know how we are so blessed to live in the US and how nothing is happening to us because of our faith. We can see how God is blessing us and then when we hear these stories it reminds us to pray for other christians.

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In class we have been learning about the early church, we made a list of what we think would be our ideal church and we ended up with things like a Starbucks, bagel shop, and much more. Then we learned about the early church and how it is so perfect and way different than what our ideal church is.

My personal thoughts about this unit is that in this we are seeing how our ideal church and there ideal church is but yet we still see that there is brokenness in the early church.

God Sightings

This weekend I saw God through the nature around us and how beautiful it is. My Mom and Me stopped at my Grandparents farm and took a walk around the lane. While we walked I saw how pretty the leaves were and the cows and just everything around us. It was beautiful.