Chapter 9 Questions

Review Questions:

1)What Happened when the Witch threw the Iron bar at the Lion?

A:It grew a lamp post

2)What did Uncle Andrew want to do with the new world?

A:He wanted to bring things there and throw them at the ground and make trees of everything.

3) Why did Polly compare Uncle Andrew to the Witch?

A:She compared Uncle Andrew to the Witch because they both like killing things and they both only think of themselves.

Thought Questions:

1)Polly says everything in Narnia comes “out of the Lion’s head.” What does she mean? Do you agree?

A:She means that the music and everything that is growing came out of his head. I think that

2) What parallels can you find between this creation story and the one found in Genesis 1-2? What are some significant differences?

A:They are the same because in both if them there was someone talking that made the things grow and appear. But the Lion was singing and God just talked

3) What’s wrong with Uncle Andrew’s plan for the new world?

A:The reason why it’s bad is because he wanted to use the new world for himself to make money by planting things there and then selling them.

4) Is it a good thing to use the resources around you? When does it become a bad thing?

A:It’s good when you use resources but when you use them for yourself in the wrong way, then it’s bad.

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