Chapter 13 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why didn’t Polly and Fledge go into the garden with Digory?

A:They didn’t go in because they were afraid to go in because they had never seen anywhere so private and secret, so they got scared.

2)Why didn’t Digory take one of the apples for himself?

A:He didn’t want to because he was afraid that he would get in trouble for stealing some of the fruit of that garden.

3)Whom did Digory meet in the garden?

A:He met the Witch in the garden

4)How did the Witch change after she ate the apple?

A:She changed because she was trying to tell him to steal an apple and take it for his mom.

5)What strategy did the Witch use to persuade Digory  to steal one of the apples?

A:She told him to take one to him mom and said that it would heal her.

6) What was the Witch’s mistake?

A:She climbed over the wall and she ate an apple.

Thought Questions:

1)Digory asks, “Who would want to climb  a wall if he could get in through the gate? He thought the answer  was obvious. Do you? What is the difference between climbing the wall and entering through the gate? Why might someone choose to climb the wall  instead?

A:I think that kind of obvious, The difference was that people that steal climb over the wall, but the people that enter through the gate, come to get fruit to share with other people, such as Aslan.

2) Did Digory owe Aslan anything, as the Witch asks? Why or why not?

A:I think he did because he brought the Witch into his perfect world, to make it not perfect.


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