The Bronze Bow Chapter 5 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Daniel want to find Joel? What was Rosh’s response?

A:He wanted to find Joel so then he  could have someone else in the band that was restless, Rosh said that he shouldn’t set his heart on finding him and that Joel had too much to lose.

2)Why did Daniel leave the place where Jesus was preaching?

A:He left because there were two annoying Roman soldiers there

3)How was Daniel welcomed at the house of Hezron?

A:Rabbi Hezron welcomed him

4)What actions of the Hezron family did Daniel describe as “heathen”?

A:living in a Roman city

5)How did Daniel insult Rabbi Hezron?

A:He insulted him by saying how he shouldn’t worship in a synagog built by Romans

6)What did Rabbi Hezron say in response to Daniel’s accusations?

A:He said that he would worship God anywhere, even in a synagog built by Romans

7)What was Israel’s “one strength”  according to Rabbi Hezron?

A: Their one strength was talking badly about the Romans

Thought Questions:

1)While Daniel was gone, did things change on the mountain? If not, why was he disillusioned when he returned?

A:I think that he felt disillusioned when he got back because he had been gone for such a long time and so he wasn’t used to how they were acting.

2)Explain  Rosh’s statement about Joel: “He’s got too much to lose.” Why was he unlikely to join Rosh’s band?

A:I think that he said that because Joel had a fancy house and a family there so that he wouldn’t want to leave his good life to come to live on the mountain.

3)Do you think the Jewish lost their pride if they were civil to the Roman soldiers?

A:I don’t think that they would lose their pride if they were civil to the Romans because then , they would get  to brag about fighting the Romans.

4)Why do you think Malthace shrank back from Daniel? What does her response reveal about her character?

A:I think that she shrank back because she knew that Daniel was part of the robbers and that he killed people, It reveals that she is a cautious person.

5)Did Hezron and Daniel react angrily to Joel’s suggestion for the same reason?

A:They actually did, they were talking about the Roman gymnasium.

6) Did Daniel view Romans collectively or as individuals? Was his judgement fair?

A: He viewed them as collectively, there were a lot of them.



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