Bronze Bow Chapter 8 Questions


1)Who became Daniel’s Hero?


2)How did Thacia and Leah threaten Daniel’s plans?

A:They had never seemed to understand him.

3)Why were the man and woman taking their son to go see Jesus?

A:They were taking him to see Jesus because Jesus heals people, and their son had hurt his hand.

4)Why did Jesus say that hand-washing was unnecessary?

A: He said that so then the ladies who had prepared the food wouldn’t feel embarrassed.

5)For what reason did Daniel question the relevance of Jesus’ words to the crowd?

A: He questioned them because he couldn’t believe that they had been healed

6)What did Simon want of Jesus?

A:He wanted to learn about him.

Thought Questions:

1)Why were so many people curious about Jesus?

A:They were curious about him because they had heard that he had performed miracles

2)Why didn’t the man and woman need to look at their son to know that he had been healed?

A:They didn’t need to look at him because they knew it in their hearts.

3)Why do you think Joel stopped short of condemning Jesus?

A:I think that he did that because he began to believe everything Jesus was saying/doing.

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