Bronze Bow Chapter 9


1) What job did Rosh give Daniel?

A:He told him to rob a man that acted like he was poor, but he was really rich.

2)Why did Daniel give one of the daggers back to the man?

A:He gave it back because he felt bad for him.

3)What did Rosh say when he found out?

A:He was mad that he had given the money back to him.

4)What did Rosh say he needed to do? Why?

A:He said that either Daniel would have to get rid of that soft spot he had, or he would himself.

Thought Questions:

1)Does Rosh sound like Robin Hood to you? How are they alike? Different?

A:Rosh is not at all alike to Robin Hood, Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives it to the poor, Rosh just steals from anyone no matter how rich or poor they are.

2)Do you think Rosh’s actions were justifiable? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think that they were because, he not just to his men… He treats them badly.

3)Is wealth a right or privilege? Did the old man deserve to have his gold taken away?

A:I think wealth is a privilege, because we should be thankful that we have wealth. I personally think that he didn’t deserve to have his gold taken away.

4)Is Kindness the same thing as weakness?

A: I think that Kindness is some people’s weakness, but I don’t think that Kindness is the same thing as weakness.

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