Bronze Bow Chapter 20 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Describe a life that is lived by the sword.

A:It means that your always stressed about something no matter how hard it is not to.

2)Why did Joel come to see Daniel?

A:He came to tell him that he had to leave his house to come live  with him because his father was going to send him off to a school with one of his father’s friends the next day.

3)Why did Daniel no longer see Rosh as his leader?

A:He no longer saw him as his leader because they were going opposite ways and Daniel got a glimpse of who Rosh really is.

4)What means did Daniel use to persuade Joel to continue his studies?

A:He told him that they always needed someone somewhere else keeping a watch out.

5)What message did Thacia bring Daniel?

A:She wanted Daniel come to a dance that everyone went to in the vineyard.

6)Why had Thacia not been forced to accept an arranged marriage?

A:She hadn’t been forced because her mom’s marriage was like that and she ended up falling in love with someone else and then marrying him.

7)Who were Jesus’s enemies?

A: His enemy’s are Herod’s men.

Thought Questions:

1)Why is it easier to deceive someone who’s angry at you? Is deception justifiable in that situation?

A:I think it’s easier because then you don’t have to deal with them, but I also don’t think it’s the right thing to do.

2)Why was Daniel angry to hear that Thacia refused to choose a husband?

A:Because that means she likes him.

3)Do you think people serving in the military should get married?

A:I think that it could go either way, I think that they should married, but I think it also causes problems.

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