Number the Stars Chapter 7

Number the Stars Chapter 7

1)What was Uncle Henrik’s boat called?

A: Uncle Henrik’s boat’s name was Ingeborg.

2)What did Mama warn Ellen and Anne Marie?

A:She warned them that if they saw anyone, not to talk to them, or even come inside.

3)Where was Ellen’s necklace?

A:Ellen’s necklace was in a secret, special place where no one would find it.

4) About what did Mama tease Uncle Henrik?

A:Mama always teased Uncle Henrik about getting married and how she always had to keep his house clean.

Thought Questions:

1)What does it mean to look at something with “fresh eyes?” Can you think of an example? In what situation might it be valuable to do that?

A:I think that it means to look at something with a new view.  Like look at Lake Michigan or your school differently. I think it might help the most if you’re sad or depressed.

2)If the two girls had been back in Sweden, looking at Denmark, what might their conversation have been like?

A: They probable would’ve had a cheerful or sad conversation about being in Sweden, but also missing their home.

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